No not quite the new year yet, but we got our family Christmouse prezzie today.

This was our old chair that we sat in to watch fevvers, sqwerls and mum would sit a read books too. It was furry old and was from Gramie and Grampie's really old furniture set. Way back when mum still lived with them.

So this morning mum muscled the old chair out into the metal monster room, the got out the rug sucking monster and really cleaned up the carpet. Me checking out my yak spot from the other day. In spite of mum cleaning, I still knew it was the spot. hehehe
Then we got put into isolation and we could hear voices and big foot steps in the house, then she let us out.
Mum decided she wanted a new chair. One good for reading, that would be good to sit in, comfy and be good for us too. She did really good, guys, or yes she did.

This is the new chair, looks nice, but what mum says is a super bonus is that it has a feets rest for her! When she first found it in the store, she was just happy it sat nice. Then the sales guy showed her how the feet rest thing came out!

Mum didn't waste any time getting her feets up and testing it out.

She even did good in picking the fabric. That will compliment our nice ginger furs furry well thank you

Ducky just sitting on the floor, more interested in the fevvers outside at the moment.

Now checking to see how well his furs match up on the chair. Not bad, arms are comfy to sit on, not too high to jump up to.

Watching mum work on the dishes after she cooked three batches of peanut brittle and two different batches of soup. Bizzy kitch-hen day for her.

Sitting on the back, yes, decent view from the top, easy access over to the table with the lamp. Usually something good there to whap on the floor.

Ducky checking out the underside of the chair. Pretty close to the floor but Ducky can get under since he is a bit smaller.
Oh, yeah, we had some white stuff overnight. It will all go away tomorrow in the nice warmer temps we will get.