Saturday, February 28, 2009
Squillion Day

Friday, February 27, 2009
My Stash On Friday
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Love Ya
I got this from Cheysuli and Georgia and Mr Hendrix and Victor and Nina!

"LOVE YA" award winner... These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
I think this has been around the blogosphere so I won't tag specific kitties, but I think everycat deserves this. Take it, it's yours!
Glad you liked my tummy picture yesterday, it does sort of show my nips, specially since my furs are a bit thin on my lower tummy! I can't wait for next year and Shrove Tuesday so I get more beads!

"LOVE YA" award winner... These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.
I think this has been around the blogosphere so I won't tag specific kitties, but I think everycat deserves this. Take it, it's yours!
Glad you liked my tummy picture yesterday, it does sort of show my nips, specially since my furs are a bit thin on my lower tummy! I can't wait for next year and Shrove Tuesday so I get more beads!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Shrove Tuesday
Mum wore all sort of beads today to work and came home with even more.
Here mum had them on the sleepy spot while she changed clothes when she came home. I figured I better check them out.
So mum put them around my neck for a few minutes, but then they were so loose then were around my middle.
So I played with them for a bit and mum said I did a good job and did the one thing that mum says lots do to get more beads......
Show us your TUMMY!!!! Mum says she didn't have to expose any personal parts to get the beads, they just had a lunch thingy at work for Mardi Gras, just for fun. Lots of foods with people bringing stuff to eat.
Monday, February 23, 2009
ManCat Monday
When God made the world, He chose to put animals in it, and decided to give each whatever it wanted. All the animals formed a long line before His throne, and the cat quietly went to the end of the line. To the elephant and the bear He gave strength, to the rabbit and the deer, swiftness; to the owl, the ability to see at night, to the birds and the butterflies, great beauty; to the fox, cunning; to the monkey, intelligence; to the dog, loyalty; to the lion, courage; to the otter, playfulness. And all these were things the animals begged of God. At last he came to the end of the line, and there sat the little cat, waiting patiently. What will YOU have? God asked the cat. Then I'll have a little of everything, please. And God gave a great shout of laughter at the cleverness of this small animal, and gave the cat everything she asked for, adding grace and elegance and, only for her, a gentle purr that would always attract humans and assure her a warm and comfortable home.
Mum has an update on Uncle Stormie, he came home from the hospital on Thursday and will be OK. He needs to rest up some yet but should be back at work this week.
We got lots of white stuff over the weekend. The nice thing mum says is that it isn't such a hassle on the weekend. Mum did have to go out and drive in it to get her head furs trimmed off, but that isn't far away. So not a big deal to drive the short distance and even clearing the snow when she felt like it, not being in a rush that you have to get to work.
Please purr for Fiona, my little NOMSS buddy. She hasn't been feeling well.
The snow brought lots of birdies to the feeders so we had lots to watch out the windows. Including Mr Hawk who swooped through looking for a snack. Mum got a picture as he sat in the neighbors tree after he missed catching one of the little birds.
We got lots of white stuff over the weekend. The nice thing mum says is that it isn't such a hassle on the weekend. Mum did have to go out and drive in it to get her head furs trimmed off, but that isn't far away. So not a big deal to drive the short distance and even clearing the snow when she felt like it, not being in a rush that you have to get to work.
Please purr for Fiona, my little NOMSS buddy. She hasn't been feeling well.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Finally Friday - What's In A Name
Skeezix has an interesting name. Did you know there was a cartoon character of the same name? Yup, there was and it was in the cartoon, Gasoline Alley.
Do you have an interesting story about your name?
Mum says we will have a regular weekend this weekend. Just the normal stuff, she has to get her head fur trimmed. A little shopping for foods, plus the cleaning stuff and laundry. Otherwise we can snuggle, watch birdies and such.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My Fur-less Spots
But otherwise I am fine. My normal self, eating, playing etc. So mum figures unless I really start to get bald, then mum will worry.
The weather guessers were wrong, big time. They said 4-8 inches of snow, then snow and rain mixed 4-6 inches, then down to 3-5. We maybe got a dusting. I could do better than they do.
Mum says thank you for the concatulations and good wishes for her purrthday.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Oh, The Indignity of it All
Mum had a nice purrthday, the bestest thing for her was that she didn't have to get up and go to work. She did lots of little things, some shopping and had lunch with a furiend.
Then she came home, read a book for a little bit, then the carrier came out and off she took me and yes we ended up at the vet. Now why did she take me to the vet, because I have some areas that I have losted my furs. The area of my belly doesn't have much fur and mum noticed last week that parts of my left front leg was a bit bare too.
Here I am still inside the PTU once we got inside the exam room. Then mum got me out and the tech weighed me and I haven't gained anything. Then they let me roam around.
So I was sniffing around and checking all of the other scents and whatever was in this cabinet made me hiss really loud a few times.
Then I settled down under the chair by the PTU figuring that I might be safe for a little bit. But then the VET came in and they put me up on the table to have them look at me. Other than my spots that aren't fully furred I am fine. My fur loss is not from little bugs or an infection, but could be stress, over grooming or allergies.
Then when they were done, I could jump back down while they talked about what to do. Mum decided to just watch to see if it gets worse, then she will ask for medicine for my coat. She is hoping that it might be a winter thing and that as it gets nicer my furs will grow back in.
Do you want to hear how happy I was to be at the VET? Just listen and sorry for all of the background noise from the hallway.
Get a Voki now!
But when mum came home she made herself a nice purrthday dinner. It was all wrapped up in plastic and said something about a Cornish Rock. I don't think it looks like a rock but a little chick-hen.
All buttered up and into the hot as hell box.

All done, nice and toasty looking.
Mum was nice and pull some meat off for me right away and pulled it apart that it would cool for me to eat.
Almost all gone, got any more you can share with me? While it doesn't make up for being taken to the VET at least she shared her purrthday dinner with me.
Then she came home, read a book for a little bit, then the carrier came out and off she took me and yes we ended up at the vet. Now why did she take me to the vet, because I have some areas that I have losted my furs. The area of my belly doesn't have much fur and mum noticed last week that parts of my left front leg was a bit bare too.
Do you want to hear how happy I was to be at the VET? Just listen and sorry for all of the background noise from the hallway.
Get a Voki now!
But when mum came home she made herself a nice purrthday dinner. It was all wrapped up in plastic and said something about a Cornish Rock. I don't think it looks like a rock but a little chick-hen.
Monday, February 16, 2009
ManCat Monday - Happy Purrthday Mum!
How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven. - Robert A. Heinlein
Here is a picture of Grampie and mum from last fall when they went up north. No they did not split all of that wood!
But today is a special day so that is why mum has her picture here, it is her purrthday. It is also Presidents Day and a Holliday and her company gives them today off. So mum doesn't have to go to work on her purrthday. She is happy about that!
Yesterday the raced the Daytoner 500, the first real crashcar race of the season. Mum sort of watch and I napped through it. We are happy, our local guy from Whiskerconsin, Matt Kenseth won the race. Yeah, they shortened it but, he was in front when it counted.
Mum also worked on her crow-shay, another blurpy blanket to be done for someone at work. She got lots done during the race, then we watch a bunch of shows on PBS about cats!
Urgent Purr request: Grampie just called mum. Uncle Stormie, mum's brofur, is in the hospital with a collapsed lung. He is getting treatment but will be in the hospital for a few days.
But today is a special day so that is why mum has her picture here, it is her purrthday. It is also Presidents Day and a Holliday and her company gives them today off. So mum doesn't have to go to work on her purrthday. She is happy about that!
Mum also worked on her crow-shay, another blurpy blanket to be done for someone at work. She got lots done during the race, then we watch a bunch of shows on PBS about cats!
Urgent Purr request: Grampie just called mum. Uncle Stormie, mum's brofur, is in the hospital with a collapsed lung. He is getting treatment but will be in the hospital for a few days.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day

It all started with her commenting as follows:
Anonymous said...
Happy Valentine's Day, Derby. purrrrr
Your Secret Admirer
Your Secret Admirer
I had to search and search to figure out who PMB was, but once I did, well, the rest is our history.
We got a little bit of snow overnight, not much, just enough to cover the ground and make everything pretty.Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday In Sink
Mum was looking through some of my pictures recently, she found these where I was helping her clean the little bathroom. 

Hey mum, did you check down here for dust bunnies? Looks pretty clean to me, guess you did OK.
Can't see out the window here it is all frosted up and not by the weather. You can never see out this even in the summer.
It has cooled off here but most of our snow is gone, but the weather guesser says we will get a little snow this weekend.
Hope all of my furiends has a good weekend. Cellybrate your love day tomorrow!

It has cooled off here but most of our snow is gone, but the weather guesser says we will get a little snow this weekend.
Hope all of my furiends has a good weekend. Cellybrate your love day tomorrow!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Crazy Cardinal and other things
This crazy bird lives over by Grampie, not at my house. So I don't have to deal with him at all. He just drives Grampie crazy.
So if Grampie opened his windows the angle would be different so not likely to fly inside. But this bird or at least another Cardinal did this last spring too!
Grampie did put out some paper towels and taped them to the windows and it hasn't stopped this guy. Mr Hendrix suggested some really shiny ribbon, so mum may get some to have Grampie try.
It was still really warm here the past few days. Mum has been nice to open the window a little bit when she comes home. So here is what stuff looked like tonight. Except where the snow got piled up by clearing the snow it is gone. Plus mum says the falls are not frozen anymore, but she didn't stop to take pictures.

Mum left me alone last Saturday night. She went out to party with her racy friends. They had their award things and food at this auto museum. They had the run of the place to look at stuff and take pictures.
They had a big toy train thing but it didn't run very often. Plus they had a really big, real steam locomotive that they are restoring.

Mum had to make this lighter so you could see the locomotive, a big, black thing in a big, dark room.
Here are some of the older cars.

The green car is a Tucker, they made a movie about this a few years ago.
Oh yeah, they gave out a few awards, mum came home with one! Guess she must do something right when she leaves me alone on the weekends!
She says they have such a small group that they rotate the 'grid worker of the year' so each of them get it once, before they start over again. You show up, at some point you will get this!
It was still really warm here the past few days. Mum has been nice to open the window a little bit when she comes home. So here is what stuff looked like tonight. Except where the snow got piled up by clearing the snow it is gone. Plus mum says the falls are not frozen anymore, but she didn't stop to take pictures.
Here are some of the older cars.

Monday, February 9, 2009
ManCat Monday
His mind is like a steel trap--full of mice. - Foghorn Leghorn
No mice around here, my mind is full of. . . . . fresh air.
Not quite as warm as yesterday, but mum did open the window for a little bit for me again. Ahhh, more fresh air.
Angus Mohr was very observant of the picture above yesterday that the time on the tempy thing did not match the clock! Nope mum does not reset the time on the tempy thing, it is always on daylight slaving time. In another month it will be correct.
Grampie has a crazy Cardinal fevver that comes by outside his bedroom window. He is on the second floor and there is a tree right outside the window.
You can see the birdie sitting in the tree, then it goes crazy and....
CRASH! He flies right into Grampies window, over and over and over and over again. He starts early in the morning and wakes Grampie up and keeps it up off and on all day until the sun moves away from his side of the building. Grampie and mum think that the birdie sees himself in the window and is trying to scare it off! Silly bird doesn't realize it is fighting itself.
I also hope that any of my cat buds who live down under are OK. Lots of scary fires, everyone stay safe.
No mice around here, my mind is full of. . . . . fresh air.
Grampie has a crazy Cardinal fevver that comes by outside his bedroom window. He is on the second floor and there is a tree right outside the window.
I also hope that any of my cat buds who live down under are OK. Lots of scary fires, everyone stay safe.
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