I am not a friend and I am not a servant. I am the cat who walks by himself, and I wish to come into your cave. - Rudyard Kipling
Hiya, Ducky here! I like this quote a lot. Mum when she is in her sleepy spot lifts the covers and invites me into the cave. I go in sometimes and snuggle against mum's belly. No bad things happened to me cuz of the picture box. Mum is looking into how she can make it so it won't tip over.
Derby and I always do our purrs with mum, morning and night. We purr for all the kitties we know, their beans, our family and of course that all kitties find a loving home like we have. We need to add some super special purrs for our
ginger buddy Rudy. He has something in his blood called, Haemobartonellosis. Phew, big word for such a little kittie like me. Rudy needs to take medicine and visit his VET every couple of days. We hopes he gets all better soonest.

We got just a little bit of white stuff from the sky on Caturday, not much, no issues for mum to get out to go shopping and such.

Mum? Where are you taking this box? That is my play box! Oh, temporary use to take a few Christmouse decorations for Grampie. That is good, he needs Christmouse cheer too.

After putting out the stuff for Grampie and visiting, she ran into Puddin. He was checking our the box. He probably got a sniff of me and Derby. This was the best that mum could get of his face.

Derby helping mum watch the feetsball game.

Both Derby and I had to be on snoopervising duty thiw weekend,

mum spent lots of time in the kitchen making this. Nommy, at least for bean, peanut brittle.
Feetsball ReportThe Pack - they beat them gold digging Nothern Catifornia Forty-Niners.
Grampa Brett and the ViQueens - Well the ViQueens won, but Grampa Brett left the game injured really early in the game.
The Colts - Them Cowboys tamed those horsies but they had to go into overtime to do it.