First of all I forgot to post a picture for Flower Friday. So I am making up for it today. It is a furry
purrty light pink iris.

But for a
holliday weekend mum is certainly busy. Yesterday afternoon a big motor monster backed up into our driveway and hurled a huge hairball!

Look at this huge pile of stuff, right in the middle of the drive, which means mum can't get her monster back into its room. What in the world is this stuff for? Oh, mum says it is not a hairball but bark mulch for the garden and flower beds.

Well mum got out a shovel and a cart, loaded the mulch on the cart. Then took the cart to the back and dumped the stuff, spread it out around all of the plants. She did this over and over and over and over and over....well, you get the picture.

But after many trips she had the whole back garden all covered. It looks furry
purrty and makes the plants stand out so much more.

I just
snoopervised the big mulch pile from the front window. I can't believe she moved enough of the mulch stuff to cover the back garden in just about three hours.

So this is what was left after she was done on Friday night of moving the stuff. Mum says she went through about half of the stuff, so the pile was a lot smaller.

So today
Grampie came over and helped. He would load the cart while mum spread the stuff in the rest of the flower beds in the front.

This was about half way through the morning, the pile is getting smaller. Then soon
Grampie was loading the last few shovelful of mulch into the cart.

So here is the biggest flower bed in the front. You can see the last of the tulip and
hyacinths. Mum planted some other plants in here the other day, but they are still so hard to see as they are small.

looky, no big pile of mulch. It is all put into the flower beds and mum can get the metal monster back into its room.

I just did my normal job of
snoopervising. Considering that they finished getting rid of the whole pile of mulch, I think I did a good job.

But mum gets
soooo dirty when she works outside. Just look at those feet, nice painted toes, but
dirty feets.

She fixed
Grampie lunch and then took him home. When she got back she jumped in the hot rain room and got rid of the dirt. Then she was a furry smart bean and took a long nap. I even joined her and made sure she napped a long time. She did for over an hour which was furry good for her.
Now she says she has most of her weekend work done, she can be lazy and watch cars turn left for hours and hours tomorrow.