Cocktails/Buffet Time
Good the caterer has gotten out the food. All sort of stinky goodness, seafood, ham, turkey and crunchies too. The bartender has set up as well. He is offering the following: niptini's, singapurr slings, russianless white russians, tuna juice, bloody mousies. Fresh water, running and cool, also available at all times. Please party responsibly.
So dig in everyone, lets just mingle and visit with our friends.
Even lots of special cakes for us too. 

Oooo, shrimpies, we luvs shrimpies. Derby, your momma sure knows how to throw a party!
ReplyDeleteWowwwwwww...that is the best buffet I've EVER seen! [waddles over to the buffet at surprising speed in order to get there first!]
ReplyDeleteThanks, we have been planning this for some months. We hope we didn't forget anything.
ReplyDeleteYour late Eric, Speedy already wolfed down a half a dozen shrimps
ReplyDeleteO my goodies! there is so much food. did i cross the rainbow? am I dreamin? I had a dream like this once then I had to wake mom up yelling cause my food dish was only half full.
ReplyDeleteO, i fink i'll try a niptinni but dont tell my mom K's? she'd be a bit peeved wiff me and then I might get grounded.
I think he wants to be as big as you, he already weighs 16 big pounds. >Sadie
ReplyDeleteYeah, but he ain't fat, just really big. >Zippy
Owe, my tummy hurts, Oh, is that turkey? I think I need sum of that too. >Speedy
Oooo, I gotta try sum ham. I neffer had ham afore. Hey Tiger, Derby has SHRIMP!
The shrimp are great! And are those actually crab legs I see over there?
ReplyDeleteCrab legs, Rascal where did you see those. Gosh, there's just soooo much food we don't know where to start.
ReplyDeleteMunch...munch...munch...I can't quite make it up to that big plate of chicken - maybe one of you more agile kitties could throw some pieces down to me?
ReplyDeleteAre there crickets here? I like to eat crickets.
ReplyDeletePumpkin, you NEVER had ham before? That's so sad. Ham is one of the most delicious things in the world.
ReplyDelete*sits on fat erik* hmmmmm I like the furrnature you haffs derby. It's cozy.
ReplyDeleteIn the back yard Lil'one, after dark. They're best if they're fresh!
ReplyDeleteOh catzee, tuna juice is fury good. I found outs about tuna today fur lunch. I fink I have a new love.
ReplyDelete*burp* *munch, munch, munch* Oh gee, Speedy, slow down or you'll blow chunks.
ReplyDeletethanks yous kattanic. i'lls do some huntin latter. right now I'm so full I curd burst. Uhoh. i saw rascal put a paw print in the pretty burpday cake!
ReplyDeleteHey, any cat wanna join us in a nap. We ate soooo much we gotta get some nappers in. Mmmm, full tummy...
ReplyDeleteI'll get you some chicken Eric. COCOA! SLOW DOWN AND CHEW THE HAM!
Don't worry guys. You don't have to inhale your food. The buffet will be open all evening. So slow down and enjoy! Mum has even gotted her cocktail out. A gimlet. Just give me a singapurr sling for now.
ReplyDelete*investigates all the drinks on the counter* I'll just have a sip....of each one.
can I get a dish of cream please? I love cream!
''Lil one, we have bartenders, you ask for your drinkie. If you have too much you won't get more. And then mum will also have to contact your beans and make you teleport home. So if you want to stay and party, please don't get carried away.
ReplyDeleteDo we haff ice cream to go wiff the cake? I luv ice cream!
Yes, there is ice cream and cool claws too. Just ask the caterer for what you would like.
ReplyDeleteOk derby. i'm going to nap. my mum says I cant stay late anyway. I haff to go to the doktor tomorrow. whos the best kitty to cuddle up wiff?
ReplyDeleteHey, efurryone! How you all doin? Do I see ice cream? Nilla ice cream? Mmmmmm!
ReplyDeleteLil' one. See if Fat Eric will cuddle with you. He is a nice floofy kitty. Eric, can Lil' One snuggle up with you for a nap before she teleports home?
ReplyDeleteHello, Derby an efurryone. Wow, what a spread! You reely went all out.
ReplyDeleteVictor, buddy, glad you are here. Before you dive into the food, let me get your badge as an October honoree.
ReplyDeleteoh, look! there's Victor - I'm gonna pounce him
Hi Bonnie, yes mum has been having fun planning and getting all of this ready.
ReplyDelete{Meets Cocoa mid-pounce} Yaa! Gotcha! I gets a badge? Where do I put it? {whaps Cocoa's tail} Wheeeee.
ReplyDeletewhoohoo! i gots sumbuddy ta pounce wif!
Well, give yur mom an ankle rub and purr from me. This is amazin! I fink I'll start wif a niptini and sum shrimp.
ReplyDeleteWhoohoo - Victor gots sumbuddy to pounce... besides me.
ReplyDeleteHello, Grr, what are you drinkin?
ReplyDeleteDerby, please excuse my brother. You have such a nice classy party here. I sure hope Cocoa doesn't knock anything over.
Hi Bonnie! I've got a bowl of cream - my favorite!
Hey, Cocoa, we should moof ofur there, where there's more room. {scrambles around room to open area} Can't catch me!
ReplyDeleteMidnight, not a problem. There is enough room to have a quiet spot for those who prefer quiet and also room for those to run and pounce. I just hope that with eating and then all of the running, the eats don't make a second appearance. If you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteMmmm cream is good. Haf you tried dippin shrimp in it? Makes a good combination.
ReplyDelete*bouncing after Victor*
ReplyDeleteoh yes i can catch i come!
O fat erik? Where are yous hidin?
ReplyDeleteI'll try that right now...mmmmmmmm! Great idea Bonnie! At our house, the only ones who get shrimp are the turtles - this is really good!
{turns and bounces over Cocoa} Nu-uh! I'm too fast! {skids and flops on floor} Whoo!
ReplyDeletewaits...nefur mind. i sees play! *hides round a corner and waits for cocoa and victor to get close*
ReplyDeleteTurtles eat shrimp? What a waste of good seafood.
ReplyDelete{wiggles tail for Lil' One} Good fing no one's round to pounce me... {wink}
ReplyDelete*wiggles butt, peeking round corner, waits for victor....*
ReplyDeletePOUNCE!!!! Oh, I gots you goods!
ReplyDeleteOh, ow! {gently whaps Lil' One} What a fierce tabby! {whaps her tail}
ReplyDeleteMmmm {crunch, crunch} good shrimp - furry fresh.
ReplyDeletepssst...Victor! let's bof pounce Lil' One - c'mon...
{Rolls Lil' One gently toward Cocoa} This fierce little tiger attacked me! Whatefur will we do?
ReplyDeleteHi Victor and Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteSorry, I was just hiding round the corner for a minute to avoid being pounced by Lil'One. No offence, but I'm not used to being pounced when I'm eating! [no crazy kittens in our house]
Victor, don't break the kitten. Boys! {rolls eyes}
ReplyDeleteHello, Eric. Can I get you sumfing?
ReplyDeleteEric, I told Lil'One you would be good to cuddle with, not get pounced on. I guess she changed her mind about a nap.
ReplyDeleteOOOOO *rabbit kicks viter.....grrrr grr grrr*
ReplyDelete{Bites Lil' One's foot} Hey! Cocoa, a little help here?
ReplyDeleteHow YOU doin'?
Hello, Merlin. I don't fink we've met properly. I'm Bonnie Underfoot, Attack Tabby. I liked yur costume for Skeezix's contest. I could tell you don't usually put up with such man-handlin.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie
ReplyDeleteI'm OK for now thanks, I've had quite a bit to eat so I might need to go and sleep it off. Anyone who wants to join me in a floofy nap pile is welcome.
Hi Merlin. Help yourself to food and beverages.
ReplyDelete*grabs vitors tail between two paws and chomps down, wild look ineyes*
ReplyDelete{flicks tail out of Lil' One's grasp} Ha! Nothin but fur. {grabs Lil' One wrestling-style and rolls} Big HUG fur the little tiger!
ReplyDeleteI've spent most of the day sleepin... I fink I'll haf some fish now. Is there salmon?
ReplyDelete*POUNCE* got the little tiger!
Ow! Cocoa, that's MY foot! {rolls ofur on top of Cocoa} Get 'er!
ReplyDeleteI can recommend the salmon, Bonnie, it was DELICIOUS!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I have to go and put my mum to bed now (it is past midnight here in London). It's a fabulous party, Derby, it was lovely to see my friends and I hope to see you again tomorrow - what a weekend!
If Finny and Buddy happen to drop by, please tell Buddy how sorry I am to hear about his whole locked-in-closet trauma thing.
See you tomorrow efurryone!
skiddadles out of the pile of fur and jumps into the napping pile.
ReplyDeleteEric, do you SEE what we haf to put up wif when our beans bring in more cats?
ReplyDeletesorry! where'd that little kitten go?
ReplyDeleteDang it, i was gonna hide behind fat erik. Guess I haff to hide behind bonnie now.
ReplyDeleteGood night, Eric! It's always nice to see you. Such a gentlecat.
ReplyDeleteDo you want me to sit on her for you?
*hides behind bonnie, tail twitching*
ReplyDeleteEeeeek! DON'T TOUCH ME! {growls low and mean at Lil' One}
ReplyDeleteSee you tomorrow Eric! I'll have to tell you all about my new interest in hair-licking.
No, Lil' One - Not Bonnie! {chases after Lil' One}
ReplyDeletePOUNCE! did i get her this time?
{swats Lil' One, then shakes paw, twitches tail in disgust} Such NERVE!
ReplyDeleteoops - sorry Bonnie
fur stands on end, skiddadles behind victor. OOO bonie doesnt like kittens?
ReplyDeleteEep! {Leaps away} Derby, hidin place, QUICK!
ReplyDelete{Stands between Lil' One and Bonnie} Bonnie doesn't like... anyone. Cept Dad. {licks Lil' One's head} It's ok, she's just funny that way.
ReplyDeleteyou can hide behind me Bonnie - I'm purrty wide
and we can both growl furrrroshusly at her - grrrrrrrrrrrr!
Purr, purr, purr, don't worry, Bonnie makes lotsa noise, but nefur hurts anyone. Ready for more play?
ReplyDeleteI just whap Cocoa when he gets too bouncy.
*runs round cocoa* Slow poke! *and down the stairs to the dungeon, leaping up on the washing machine, to lick a paw*
ReplyDelete{crouches next to Grr, tail lashing furiously} Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
{Chases Lil'One, bumps into Cocoa} Whoa! Ha ha! {races down stairs} Here we come! Come on, Cocoa!
Bye Eric. See you tomorrow. Go snuggle your mum to sleep.
ReplyDeleteshe's a fast one - let's get her!
Ha! I'm queen of the machine! *reaches paw down to swat kitties below*
ReplyDeleteMore shrimp Bonnie? They're gone now.
Oh, I've whapped Victor, but that requires touching him. Eeewww. He just shrugs! It's like he won't take me seriously!
ReplyDelete{Jumps for washing machine, comes up short and bounces off of it} I meant to do that! {wiggles butt, judging distance, and gracefully leaps to the top} Ha! You can't hide up here!
ReplyDeleteVictor - one of us from each side...ATTACK!
Sniffs victor, then rolls over and shows belly "I dare ya!"
ReplyDelete{Licks fur back into place} More... shrimp? or salmon... I'll haf sum more salmon, fank you.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't that kitten ever wear out?
Sheesh, with this huge tent and the house, you would think that the kitties who wants to play could give those of us who wants to visit enough room.
ReplyDeleteSee that big spot with the climbing tower on the other end? You can play and chase all you want. That is what the area is for.
{Head butts Lil' One's tummy} Time for TABBY TICKLE TORTURE!
ReplyDeletemmmm...yes. salmon would be lovely!
Oh no! Not tickle torture! *squirms*
ReplyDelete{Noses Lil' One} Race you to the top of the tower! Last one there's a... fluffy black kitty!
ReplyDeleteHe everyone, Shaggy Here! This is a terrific buffet! Sure beats the diet cardboard chunks I have to eat!!!!! Shrimp! Tuna! Ham! Turkey! Can't talk.....eating..............
ReplyDeleteLOOK OUT! Here they come again!
ReplyDeleteI wanna join in the chase games!!!! -Scout
ReplyDeleteHere Bonnie - I brought a plate full of lots of different things for us to sample.
Oks, guess i'm gonna haff to get tough an mean since you's bringing out the tickle torture!
ReplyDeleteFluffs up, tries to look mean (like bonnie)
Hey, Scout! Join the fun! {tackles side of tower, whipping tail wildly}
ReplyDeleteA race? WOHOO! swats victor and runs off towards the tower at full speed
ReplyDeleteFank you, Midnight. So many lovely new foods.
{scrambles under and round tower ledges, then to top} WHaaahaaahaaahaa!
ReplyDeleteHi Victor!! Hi Lil One!!! Lets run & pounce.....who should we get next?
ReplyDeleteScrambles up next to victor. " we beats the pantaloons off those old cats!"
ReplyDeleteCocoa, of course! Let's show him what a gang of tabbies can do!
ReplyDeleteI fink we should get......COCOA!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he's been here almost a year. Seems like a squillion years!
ReplyDeleteDerby.....munch...munch....can I take a doggie, I mean, Kitty Bag home? -Shaggy
{pounces Cocoa} Why not?
ReplyDeleteruns down the kitty tower and creeps up behind Shaggy
ReplyDeleteBrothers are exhausting, aren't they?
Shaggy, haf you lost weight? I see yur winter coat is comin in.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I go to get away from all these annoying kittens? -Scooby
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ReplyDeleteLil' One, we really need to stay by the tower, away from the big kitties. Come on back ofur here.
ReplyDeleteOw! Got yurs, Cocoa!
ReplyDeleteSits up strait "I am not annoying" Pouts.
ReplyDelete"I'm just learning to be a cat"
twitches tail.
"utoh, I fink I hear my mom calling me. I beter gets going. i may sneak in later when she's not looking"
Come over here Scooby, with me and Bonnie.
Thanks for noticing Bonnie. I have been eating tasteless diet crappy chunks and have lost a little. And the winter coat is on its way already! -Shaggs
ReplyDeleteI don't run around much because I've been having asthma attacks.
Hi Grr......I'm not really the social one of the family...I'm more of a loner cat. -=Scooby
ReplyDeleteOh, leaving so soon? It was reely fun playin wif you! No, yur not bannoyin, yur just bein a kitten. {licks Lil' One's head} Fanks fur the fun. See you again soon.
ReplyDeleteI can relate, Scooby. Grr, what's as-ma? Sounds nasty if it attacks you.
ReplyDeleteok alls! *waves paws*
ReplyDelete{pounces Cocoa} More wrestlin! Where's Scout?
ReplyDeleteI'm a loner too. Cocoa and Midnight play together and sleep together. I usually just hang out near the Blonde Girl.
Kitty bags for teleporting home will be available. Shaggy you can sneak home all the treats you want. Wow, there is so much going on. The younger set is playing like crazy and the more mature group is just having fun visiting and enjoying the good food and drink.
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to go back and read the posts from earlier today. We have been partying for hours.
Victor's such a piggie, the woman switched us to lite food, but he nefur efun noticed. I haf managed to loose a few extra ounces myself.
ReplyDeletemmmfff! bye Lil' One! I'd wave, but Victor's on top of me.
Bye Lil' One.
ReplyDeleteAs-Ma is sumbuddy who steals my breath an makes me wheeze a little. It's not fun, but it never lasts very long.
Hey, Cocoa, is that Angelica ofur there?
{whaps Cocoa}
Made you look!
Cats can get as-ma? I never knew that.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. Doesn't sound like fun. I get hairballs almost daily an they make me shake an heave. The worst part is, I get unsteady fur a moment.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Bonnie sumtimes hurls, then falls ofur backwards! One time, she fell down the stairs!
ReplyDeleteTHAT'S NOT FUNNY. Anyway, I hope the as-ma's not too bad to lif wif.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau and Angie are here somewhere. They mombean was taking off for the weekend. So once she was gone they came over. So they are laying low, so is Mia, Roscoe, Opus, Eric and Flynn. They all teleported in on the sly. Just like I did when mum put me in the spa.
ReplyDeleteOh, I was tryin to tease Cocoa, but I's ready fur a nap now. Maybe I can find Beau Beau, my twin bro. Wake me if you see Emmy... an Meeko an Kiara. {wanders off asplorin}
ReplyDeleteGrr, Midnight, Shaggy, Scooby, I'm ready fur a nap. That kitten episode realy upset me. I'll be back in a bit.
ReplyDeleteHere I is, Victor...Lets Go!!!!! -Scout
ReplyDeleteHere I is, Victor...Lets Go!!!!! -Scout
ReplyDeleteThings seem to be settling down for a few minutes. I see the caterer is refreshing the buffet. Mum is checking out to see that all the kitties who have checked in are doing OK. With this big tent, you could get lost, plus all the hidey spots INSIDE the house.
ReplyDeleteFlynn - is he coming?
*pops back in*
ReplyDeleteIm pretending to sleep back home so mum doesnt have a clue I'm here.
course, all this pretending to sleep has made me sleepy. I think i'm gonna roll in the nip then find a hiding place. That book shelf looks fine. It will do.
Hello again. Sorry I dropped in and then disappeared-- Mom was tryin' to get me to have new softpaws on my claws and I did not wanna!
ReplyDeleteSome of the kitties are here, but won't be commenting. They don't want their beans to know they are here.
ReplyDeleteMerlin, can't your mum just accept that you have claws? Standard equipment.
ReplyDeleteWell, it's really my Dad that doesn't like the claws. Cause of the furniture and the hardwood floors, blah, blah, blah. My mom does like it though, cause we can play hard and she don't get scratched.
ReplyDeleteI'm the first kitty with claws in the family, so it's a period of adjustment.
Part of the reason mum adopted me was that I had already been declawed. When she wented to visit in Iowa, she had to deal with all the little kittens with claws. She wasn't used to that.
ReplyDeleteI claw up my Lady every night, but really I'm trying to wake her up for petting. I don't mean to injure her.
My mom wasn't used to it either. But I don't mind the softpaws, usually, and if it makes her wanna play then I like it!
ReplyDeleteAnd I still have my BACK claws, she doesn't cover those. If I really need to scratch somethin'.
ReplyDeleteWe're here! Magoo, Smudge, Bella and Dolce!
ReplyDeleteHappy October Purrthdays to everyone!
Scout! Scout! Where are you?
hi there! good to see you guys (and girls)
ReplyDeletewow, i was outside 'njoying the night air, look at all this....i think i'll get a bite to eat...any fish like cod around here? i'm not supposed to eat it, but at a party i bet it would be okay....
*turn the other way*
*lay down*
*close eyes again*
purr purr purr
Hi Edsel! My mom says anything you eat at a party or on a holiday doesn't count.
ReplyDeleteShh, y'all seriously, don't wake up Lil' One.
ReplyDeletehi Edsel. we's gonna wisper cuz Lil' One is finally sleeping. she wuz bouncin' off the walls a little while ago.
ReplyDeleteSorry everyone, I got away from for a few minutes. Grampie called to wish me happy purrthday.
ReplyDeleteYeah, we want the Lil' One to stay reasonably quiet. I haven't been around kittens, well, since I was a kitten!
ReplyDeleteHello - We're HEEEERE!
ReplyDeleteKimo: Wow - that teleporting stuff makes me dizzy!
Sabi: Not me - kinds feels like I been on the nip . . . by the way, any nip here?
Edsel, there is all sorts of seafood on the buffet. Just ask the caterer for whatever you are looking for.
ReplyDeletewow, thanks Derby. do you want us to chip in for this, it must be really expensive??
ReplyDelete**lifts leg straight up in the air**
ReplyDelete**bathes leg**
**bathes tummy**
Sorry, just freshenin' up.
Hi Kimo and Sabi. Welcome. There is a huge buffet of foods, human and cat stuff. Yes, there is some nip here. I forgots who brought it but it is home grown.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea of what it is costing MUM. I thinks she just put it all on her Corporate card. hehehe.
ReplyDeleteSabi: Why Thank you Derby - I believe I will start off will a little nip . . . oooh - are those shrimptini's!
ReplyDeleteKimo: Thanks for hosting the party Derby: nice digs! I'll have to check out the dungeon too.
*Looks up* sumone say nip?
ReplyDeleteOh, guys, I gotta go.. My mom's lookin' for me. I'll try to come back, see you soon!
ReplyDeleteSabi: Hey - I don't want to be responsible for poor behavior in front of lil' one - who's watching him?
ReplyDeleteKimo: Mmmmmm - did you taste those crab cakes?!
dun worrie sabi, I wont tell on you.
ReplyDelete*yawns, rolls over, falls off the bookcase*
Lil'One, remember you are too young for nip and niptini's.
ReplyDeleteBye Merlin. Come on back later or tomorrow. Party lasts until Sunday morning.
I ment to do that......
ReplyDelete*licks back paw pretending to ignore everyone*