We have a good group of kitties here. Let me give you a tour of hte house and all. Then you can show others around later.
Alright everyone, if you want to come with me we can go down to the dungeon. If we have any senior cats who doesn't think they can make the stairs, we have a mini chair lift put in just for this weekend.

OK, you can see all of mum's monster machines. The washy and drying thing are over here. Sorry guys but she won't be doing any laundry while you are here. So no warm clothes or towels to curl up in.
Over here is the way I jump up on the shelfs to get to sit on top of the heaty spots. Plus you can see all sorts of neat little spaces to walk through and just check for bugs.
Mum has the extra litter boxes down here for everyone. Also extra food and water dishes, including some water fountains and the faucet down here is on a slow stream for those who like to drink that way.
So there are all sorts of spots to check out if you want to. You might even find a mousie!
The main floor has lots of rooms and lots of windows. Couches, chairs, beds to curl up on. We gots two official sleeping rooms, plus the office. Then the living, dining rooms and the kitchen. Mum has made sure the birdies feeders are full so we can watch the birdies.
The monster with wheels is out in the garage. Mum doesn't let me out here furry often. Says there is too much stuff for me to get in trouble with.
Outside, Virginger can take over here. VG-If you prefer to do your business outside, there is a nice secluded spot in the garden. The shrubs and flowers will give you some privacy. Don't worry about rain, the tent covers the property for the weekend.
And George wanted to see my penthouse apartment. Well, follow me. It is over here, I have to get into the closet, then move the secret panel in the back and here we are! Mum can't get in here so I have lots of privacy.
WOW! ya got a great place here!
ReplyDeleteI agree, this is great!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Mum gotted the house before she got me, but is is a purrfect house for kitties. Lots of places to explore, lots of windows. And it is not in the middle of the city, so trees, birdies, etc.
ReplyDeleteBlogger is being weird right now.
Nice place you have here Derby...
ReplyDeleteWow, cool place, Derby! An so big! We gotted lost for a while oopsy! hehehe
ReplyDeleteHi efurryone!
ReplyDeleteI hoppe on the 'puter a'fore Momma leaves to say 'hello'!
Hi Abby *waving paws*
ReplyDeleteYeah, we have moved on to taking a tour of the place. The tent is just here for the weekend. But the house part is what I have to live in all the time. George especially likes my penthouse.
ReplyDeleteThis is a furry nice place yur Mom has here!
Yep, I can see why. Cool penthouse Derby
ReplyDelete~~ Pepi
Hi Abby, you got here just in time for the house tours.
ReplyDeletehi Sanjee! ::waves paw:::
ReplyDeleteYeah, I can go and chill in the penthouse. Mum goes around the house looking for me and can't find me. I am hiding here.
ReplyDeletehehehe Sneaky, Derby
ReplyDeleteHi Pepi!! Good to see you too!
ReplyDeleteOh gud I am glad I made if fur the tour Derby!
We need privacy sometimes and this is where I gets it.
ReplyDeleteMomma is going out fur some of her own stinky goodness furry soon, but she said we would come back wif Boo and Ping and Jinx and Gracie!
Sounds good Abby. By the time you get back, we will have our buffet put out for the evening. More kitties will be teleporting in after they greet their beans home from work.
ReplyDeleteVir-ginger, please remember to show the kitties exactly where to do their business. That way it won't be in the middle of the tent for the party. Mum hired people to keep the area picked up.
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm back!
ReplyDeleteHee hee, I just scared my mum's sister. She was sitting in a chair and she could hear this loud noise like the chair snoring, but it was me! I was hiding right behind her in my fleecy bed and she couldn't see me. I'm good at snoring.
Mmm...I feel peckish now though. That seafood and chicken platter over there looks very nice...is that Grr pigging out over there?
Hey Eric, glad you are back. Did your mum's sister think you could be a spook? It is almost Halloween! Yeah, dig in, the snacks are still out. The big buffet will be ready in a bit.
ReplyDeleteHi Eric! Yup, it's me - couldn't resist...yum!
and I'm 'specially fascinated by the fev-ver feeders...
I thought it was you, Grr, but it's so hard to tell the difference between you and Cocoa and Midnight! Those were very cute baby pictures you had on your blog today, by the way.
ReplyDeleteYes, we have lots of fev-vers around. They are fun to watch, which is why mum has the feeders. Occasionally a squirrel too.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I saw those baby pictures too. What a story! You gotted borned in a car. Lucky for you your beans came and caughted you.
ReplyDeleteThere is lots of food and more to come. So if Grr wants to chow down, go for it.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I wasn't very happy about being caught at the time, but now I'm sure glad to have a good home and I save my "grrrrrrrrr" for when I'm playing with fev-ver toys or guarding my treats from Cocoa. Speaking of treats, let's get back to the snacks!
Hi efurrykitty!
ReplyDeleteI grrr at mum sometimes too. When I am not in the mood to snuggle.
ReplyDeleteHi Merlin, Welcome.
ReplyDeleteHi Merlin!
ReplyDeleteMerlin, there are snacks out now. The caterer is still setting up for the full buffet. That should be ready soon.
ReplyDeleteHi, Derby! Cool howse! We don't haff stairs where I live.
Hey Pumpkin. Another of our October kitties. Let me find your special badge and put it on. That way everyone knows you are one of the honorees.
ReplyDeleteHi Merlin! Hi Pumpkin! Pumpkin, thank you for sending me the very cute picture of yourself. Blogger wouldn't let me upload it to the GG site the other night but I will try again.
ReplyDeleteI saw someone else in the past day or so that I need to leave a message about joining the Gorgeous Gingers. I can't remember the blog name right now. I will find it and leave a message.
ReplyDeleteI like the Rainbow Ginger site too. A nice way to remember our fellow gingers who went to the bridge.
ReplyDeleteFank yu, Fat Eric. Grr, Cocoa and Midnight's Momma luvs my fluffy tale so I wanted to show a pikshur of it on the GG site.
hi Pumpkin! hey - do ya think Quincy mite wanna come offur too?
Mum loves floofy tails too. I just have a standard skinny tail. ::sigh::
ReplyDeleteyou're right Pumpkin - she's totally nutso about your tail!
Quincy, you mean the real live fev-vers here, in the house? If he does come, hide him from mum. She used to have little birds in a cage.
ReplyDeleteI don't fink it'z safe for Quincy to come to the party. Safe fur the kitties, not Quincy. He bites really hard. He got Momma again the other day.
Hi, everyone!
ReplyDeleteWhat a cool house! Tilly preferred to use the lift if that's OK. We brought some lobster for anyone who's interested.
Tilly is actually an october gotcha kitty, but I'm a spring kitty.
it's so much fun meeting everyone, especially hero, fat Eric.
Yeah, not every kittie is used to having real live fev-vers right in front of them.
ReplyDeleteOh I didn't know Tilly was an October kittie. We need to get a badge ready for her. Plus she has to be at the head table for the honoring ceremony tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI'm here I'm here I'm here!!!
ReplyDelete*races down the stairs at a bazzilion miles per hour*
Time to party? Wheres the tweets?
Hi Everyone!
ReplyDeleteWe (Scooby & Shaggy) are October Gotcha Kitties but our Birthday is June 1. Today is actually the anniversary of our gotcha...third Friday of the month!
Nice party so far Derbs.
tweets? is there any pasta? pasta wiff tuna would be fury nice!
ReplyDeleteJust check with the caterer if you need something. Now that the main group is arriving for the evening, they are just about ready to put out the big buffet.
ReplyDeletehi, my Mom just got home from work and i helped her get her dinner ready so i could come over!! wow, look at all the poodins, what a cool tent, can i take a tour of the house Derby?
ReplyDeleteHi Scooby and Shaggy. Mum is getting your badges since you have Gotcha days this month. Two more to add to the head table tomorrow! I didn't know you guys, you should have left me a message!
ReplyDeleteSure, just a second. Tilly, Scooby and Shaggy. Here are your badges. Let's go Edsel, down to the dungeon first.
ReplyDeletehehehe I'm sitting in a caserol. sit an eat, how good is that?
ReplyDeleteWell, up till now all we've ever mentioned is the Birthday in June and we thought we had to celebrate one or the other......
ReplyDeleteAll we can say is WOW!! This is a great party ... but ::hickup:: I think Jagger has had too many Niptini's!!
ReplyDeleteooh, i like your dundgen. ours is so full of stuff you can't even relax down there.....the washy thingy looks like ours - they kinda scare me sometimes.....
ReplyDeleteI don't! I cellybrate both, more treats and extra attention. Right?
ReplyDeleteYeah, lots of stuff in the dungeon. I think all of the human machines all look alike. Hey, Tyler & Jagger, I didn't think the bar was open yet.
ReplyDeleteI can relax down in the dungeon if I am by myself. Then I find a little hidey spot and chill.
ReplyDeleteWe're back for a little while. *kitty waves* did efurry kitty enjoy some nip while we were gone? We are gonna take a nap here acuz daddy wantsa take momma out for supper. He does this when it's his turn to cook, either orders in or takes mom out. He doesn't cook, actually he does but it's not furry good *tehe*
ReplyDeleteHi Zippy, Speedy and Sadie. Glad you made it back.
ReplyDeleteThe caterer has opened up the big buffet and bar for the evening. We can move our comments over there as well.
*Stretches with a full belly* Ok, where are the laps? I need some skritches now. Derby, you throw a great party.
ReplyDeleteO an someone say niptinni? whats that? is it good? can i have a sip?
The buffet is open? Great, I'm starved!
ReplyDeleteLil One, you can have a sip and one sip only. You are furry young to have a niptini.