Mum says she will go through and count 'tock pictures and add some green papers for every 'tock picture too! Since some have already posted before, she will count all 'tock pictures posted in TockTober, so you have until the end of the month to post a 'tock picture.
Let's see if we can break mum's bank account! She was at the shelter website the other night and was looking at their wish list. So she is thinking of getting one of their specific wishes if we gets enough green papers!
Hey everyone, stick around and visit. The buffet is out and the bar is open!

Today I am now 6 years old, I guess I am almost senior catizen. Not sure I am ready for that! I still have a lot of kitten left in me. Mum would agree with that, I was running and jumping all over the place on Sunday. One end of the house, to on top of the sleeping spot and back to the other end of the house.
Happy Purrthday Derby... we hope you have many more happy ones. We will have to look for a picture to post...
ReplyDeleteJade, Myst & BG
Hoppy Birthday Handsome!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derby! Six isn't that old, keep that inner kitten going. The eats and drinks look very inviting. I'll see what I can come up with for a 'tocks picture.
ReplyDeleteWe hope you have a very happy purrthday! We will have our 'Tocktober picture up in a couple of hours.
ReplyDeleteTavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Happy 6th Birthday Derby!! What a wonderful party, thanks for inviting us!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derby!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful birthday!
ReplyDeleteI don't have a photo, as at the momemnt i don't have a bunny or kitten to take photos of....
Happy purrthday Derby! My daddycat did a very rude tocktober post of me, and everyone's lauging at me now!
ReplyDeleteRevenge is a dish best served cold, don't you think?
Happy Birthday, Derby! Thanks for all the yummy treats!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derby! Thanks for all the yummy treats!
ReplyDeleteHappy Happy Birthday to you!!!! Derby!
ReplyDeleteI wish you always happy and healthy!!
Happy Birthday Derby _ we are gonna try and get Mom to take a Tock pic right away so we can post it later today. It's not easy as she is still on crutches so don't check our bloggie until near the end pleese!
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile pass the Niptinis ~ lets party!
We came over to wish you a Purry Purrthday and gee, we didn't know their would be treats for us too, Fangs a lot!
ReplyDeleteHAPPY BIRTHDAY Derby.... Love all the birthday spread you provided, didn,t know where to start first. Mum is going to take a tock picture today and try and get it on this week. Love your mum's idea.. Have a good one beautiful... Hugs GJ xx
ReplyDeleteGo look for our Tock-tober photo, too...
Happy Birthday dear Derby -
ReplyDelete6 smoochies for you!
Smooch, smooch, smooch, smooch, smooch, SMOOCH!
What a great thing you and your Mommy are doing for your shelter!
PS: Our tock pic is up now!
ReplyDeleteOh Happy Derby Day to you,
ReplyDeleteHappy Derby Day to you,
Happy Happy Purrthday... we're
showing off some "tocks"
to celebrate.
Your friends, Maggy and Zoey,
Happy Birthday! I'm going to see about adding a 'tock picture if I have a good one.
Happy Purrthday to you, Derby! We think the commentathon is such a wonderful idea!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday, Derby! In honor of your special day, Zoey has agreed to show her 'tocks...she didn't need much convincing!
ReplyDeleteWe hope you have a great day!
Have a super Happy Birthday Derby. We're glad out 'tocks pictures were taken before we got into these yummy foods!! Our Tocktober post is up!
ReplyDeleteSniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Birthday, Derby! Excellent 'tocks, BTW.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derby! I don't think you're a senior cat! I think you are in the Prime of your Life! Thanks for inviting me to the party. I am having a great time!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrfday to you Derby!!
ReplyDeletewait,6 is a senior catizen? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I will be 6 next year! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - Sammy
Happy Purrthday Derby! My momma Ellie is posting her tocks today for you! Embrace your inner kitten forever!
ReplyDeleteHope you raise lots of money!
xoxo Cory and family
A furry happy tock purrday to you Derby. You're lookin furry frisky and handsome on your 6th purrday. WE hope this day is filled with nip mousies, stinky goodness, and warm sunbeams.
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx & Gracie
Abby posted her tock picture in your honor today!
Happy Berfday, Derby! Momma posted sum 'tock pikchurs fur yoo on our blog today. Let's par-tay!
ReplyDeleteHoppy,Hoppy Birthday Derby!!
Andrewbun, Mom & Gang
Senior Catizen my paw! I'm 10 and I still run around like my butt's on fire. You're as young as you feel.
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday buddy.
We found you a Tocktober picture for your birthday. Sanjee says I look more like a tribble in it, but what does Sanjee know.
Thanks for the great noms!
your bud Pepi and his crazy sisfurs
A very happy birthday to you and to all the animal that benefit from it.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha -- bean 'tocks!!! You're right, we don't want to see any of those. But OUR 'Tocktober 'tocks picture is up today.
ReplyDeleteWe want to wish you the happiest purrthday ever, Derby old friend,and many, many more. Mmmmm...the buffet looks great! Misty, go find us somewhere to sit, Tipper you get the drinks and Max & I will carry the plates.
Happy Birthday, Derby!!!
ReplyDeleteTiki & Kesey
Happy Birthday Derby!! Wow what a cool party!! Today is Maverick's Birthday, too!! So we have lots of celebrating to do!!
ReplyDeleteYour TX furiends,
Samantha & Maverick
Happy Purrfday Derbs!!! Hope you get LOTS of treats and snuggles today. Heer's to many, many more!
~Meeko & Kiara
pee ess- We's gonna look fur sum 'tock pics of us.
Happy Birthday Derby!Purrs and paws to you. You're still a frisky cat! Thanks to your mombean for her generosity to the other animals who still need a forever home.
ReplyDeletePurrs, Halloween
Happy Birthday Derby!! What a great way to celebrate.
ReplyDeleteChase, Latte, & Kaze
Happy Birthday to you, Derby! What a great party and how nice of your Mum to donate money to the HAWS!
ReplyDeleteCharlemagne and Tamar
We heard you were having a birthday so came by to wish you a wonderful day and a very very HAPPY Birthday.
ReplyDeleteDerby ~ Happy Birthday !!!
ReplyDeleteHappy purthday Derby - you have lots of years left! Thnak to your mom for the commentathon!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday, Derby! Thanks for the buffet!
ReplyDelete~Whisker Tickles,
Lizzie and Connor
Oh, all that running around will certainly keep you young, Derby! We have a Tock-Tober post for you! Well, we will in a few minutes; hold your horses, Derby! Thank you for the lovely food and drinks... happy birthday! ~ Nina
ReplyDeleteDude! If it's Tock-Tober, can I bite Nina's 'tocks? I mean, wifout gettin in trubble?
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdie Deer Derby,
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes!
... an many moooooooore!
~ Victor
Happy Purrthday, Derby! 6 is a good age, still young and spry.
ReplyDeleteWe posted a tock photo.
Naw! You are so not a senior yet Derby! I think seniors start at about 10 or so.
ReplyDeleteI have some more ham for you!!!!
Happy Birthday Derby!!
ReplyDeleteSix isn't really that old - you have a long way to go before you are a senior!
We are trying to find a good Toctober pic for you - hopefully it will be up in a day or so!!
Happee happee birfday to one of our favorite Whiskonsin friends! 6 is great!
ReplyDeleteHope you get lots of treats and scritches today!!
and conner cloud
happy birthday Derby and many happy returns:)
Happy, Happy Purrthday to you, Derby!
ReplyDeleteIf Anna Sue did not shred her 'Tock photo we'll post it today!
~ The Bunch
Happy Purrthday my sweetheart cat Derby!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday. The food looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteHey, I hope you have the happiest of birthdays and will have many, many more!! I love you, dude!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Derby! I hope you have a super-duper extra-special day!
ReplyDeleteHappy 6th Birthday, Derby!
ReplyDeleteWe don't think that this makes you a senior at all. The food at your party is delicious and the drinks too. We SO hope your mom can get the thing from the wish list from your old shelter! We will surely post a 'tockpic soon.
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
What a great idea for your birthday, Happy Birthday to you...oh yea, thanks for the buffet too!
ReplyDeleteWe widh you the very happiest of birthdays, Derby!
ReplyDeleteHoppee Hoppee Purrthday, Derby Brofur!!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derby, with many, many more to come. Enjoy the treats and toys.
ReplyDeleteJust to say my tock is up.. I can see its going well.. Hugs GJ xx
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrrrrrday!
ReplyDeleteLots of my khytty pals have sent me ovFUR to see woo today!
I'm partial to showing my pantyloons - woo khan see 'em tomorrow!
I hope woo get lots and lots of khomments so lots of kholoured papers khan be sent!
Happy Purrday, Birdday and Birthday. May you always be 6!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the yummy spread. We especially love the Meowgeritas! Come on by Cat of Nine Tales to see how many Tocks we have. Two today and Nine all the time.
~Lisa Co9T
Happy Birthdat Derby! You are in no way even begining to be a senior cat! We are a family of cats that are real seniors: 16, 17 and 18 are our oldest now but two of our brothers lived to 22 and 23.
ReplyDeleteYou have just reached your prime!
Party your purr out!
The Cat Family
Happy Happy Purthday Derby!
ReplyDeleteHappy 6th birthday, Derby! We hope you have many more kittenish years ahead!
ReplyDelete(Our human staff posted a Tocktober photo last Thursday, too.)
Thanks for all the goodies -- we're going to help ourselves now.
Happy Birthday Derby!
ReplyDeleteTygana: Yeahs, Happy Purrfday Derbys!
You throw a great party Derby. Have a lovely birthday buddy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday Derby!! We hope you have tons more!!
ReplyDeleteWe are just gonna help ourselves to some turkey and a niptini!
Happy Purrthdy Derby and a squillion more! Don't worry about dat stoopid lable "senior" Zippy is 12 and still plays like a kitten, she sez it's not the worste thing to be older and WISER!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday, DERBY! Thanks fer invitin us. We loved the ham an shrimpses, an we had some chick-hen, too. (And a few drinkies too)
ReplyDeleteOur Toctober picture was posted Oct 1st...
We think that is great that yer Mommie is helpin the shelter like this!
Happy Birthday you Orange Hunk of Love!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday, Derby! I be more than happy to display my sexy tocks to celebrate!
ReplyDeletehappy purrthday, derbs! you ain't no senior catizen til you get to yer teens, buddy--rock on for many more years in health an' happiness!!
ReplyDeletethanks fur the grub an' fun--this is a great party!! we posted our tocktober picture on monday - ahead of the game, for once!
Happy birthday, Derby. I've posted my "tocks" picture today. Come on by and see some floofy tocks!
ReplyDeleteBunny blog says happy happy.
ReplyDeletew00fs, heehee does comments from doggys ccount too..happy meowday, get lots of kitty toys and have many many meow days...
ReplyDeleteb safe,
Woot, woot! Happy Purrthday, handsome boy!!! Betcha we can get some pictures for you, if we can get the people to help us post in time. We'll try!
ReplyDeleteHappy happy purrthday Derby!! Hope you have a great day.
ReplyDeleteAt 6 you are still a youngster! I am going to be 14 soon and I don't feel like a senior catizen yet!
Happy Happy Birthday, Derby!
ReplyDeletewith lots of LOVE
from Uncle Mo
and the Purries of
Purrchance To Dream
Happy birthday, Derby!! Did you get lots of toys and treats and your favorite dinner?
ReplyDeleteWiashing you and your Mom and wonderful celebration day for your birthday, Derby Sassycat! it is a wonderful thing your Mom is doing with the donation to the animals.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derby! You still have plenty of years left before you are a senior catizen.
ReplyDeleteMommy is working on snapping my Tocks picture, but I am being uncooperative...
Awesome spread. Can I get you a plate of snacks and a drink?
Happy Birthday Derby! We enjoyed the buffet! Thanks for inviting us! We posted out Tock pictures today!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derby!!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birfday. You might be a manly cat, but your mama is right. You are still a kitten at heart!
ReplyDeleteLove the hammm and tunie water.
Happy Purrthday, Derby!! Senior Catizen, pfffft! I'm supposed to be a geriatric cat! I still race around like a loony kitten!!
ReplyDeleteHey! The word verification is "kings"! Seems appropriate today, King Derby!
We posted tocks pictures on our blog! (Just so you know, I posted two of my tock's only 'cause one was blurry, not so I'd be counted twice!)
Happy Purrthday!
Ohwowohwowohwow! Lookit all the foods! Turkeys and chickens and hams, Oh My! And TOONAS!!!
You throw a great party Mr Derby!
Happy Purrthday!!!
Happy 6th Birthday, Derby! Thanks for the invitation to your party! Everything looks delicious and as requested I did put up my tocks picture for you today!
ReplyDeletePurrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI wish you the happiest 6th Birthday, Derby!
ReplyDeleteI just turned 13 so you can't be a senior catizen quite yet. I still feel rather kittenish myself! I got to go outside to get my tocks picture for you -- hope you like it!
Now I'll think I'll check out some of that delicious food I saw on the way in!
Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Happy 6th Purrfday Derby!!! We luf all the fixin's at yur party!
ReplyDeleteLuf, Us
Happy Birthday Derby! We hope you had a good one. We might have to look for a picture before tocktober is over.
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday Derby!! That is so nice of your Mom! I showed my tocks earlier this month!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Derbs!
ReplyDeleteHi there! Happy Birthday to you! we have never been to your blog before but always like to make new friends. we came from Jans Funny Farm to leave a comment since you are so generously donating based on comment numbers! What a neat idea!
ReplyDeleteWe really like your blog a lot and hope you have a wonderful bday. Please stop by and visit us sometime!
Purrs, wags, woofs, kisses,
Benson, Gibson, Sasha and Theodore
Happy Birthday, Derby! I found you with all this excitement around the Cat Blogosphere for you today.
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy your big day and get LOTS of treats!
Happy 6th Birthday Derby!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteA senior at 6???????? Hahahahahaha
Mickey is 16!! You have a way to yet youngster :)
WE will let you know when we get our 'tock pics up. We have a lazy Mom ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: I hope you can make it to mt bachelor party on Friday Derby!!!! It's gonna be a blast!!
Happy purrrthday to you Derby. Enjoy all the goodies!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purrthday, Derby!! We hopes you had a great day! Everything is so yummy...
ReplyDeleteDerby Doood! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
ReplyDeleteThe WOman keeps trying to get 'tock pix of us but we haven't been exactly cooperative. Mostly because she wants it so bad...
Happy Purrthday, Derby! Only 6? Mumma just got back from seeing our Auntie Goldie--and she's 18 and still going strong! She still thwaps the dogs and cusses out everyone else.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo--have a happy happy!!
Meepsie & Smokey in Washington State
Happy Belated Purrthday, Derby! I'm no kitty, but your party looks pawsome! Hope you had a great time at the party...here's to many more years of fun! *grins*
Derby... you is one SMART cat!!! Getting to see all the lovely girlcat tocks!! We bow to your wisdom!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday... I missed it by 49 mins :(
ReplyDeleteHappy purrfday Derby. Sorry we are late wishing it but we only just managed to get the computer started up. We really enjoyed your visit yesterday. Only another eight days and we will be back blogging again!
ReplyDeleteHappy Purthday!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGood party!
I will put my tock, tomorow! Sorry for the late!
Happy Belated birthday Derby!! Sorry we missed it yesterday! Hope your day was filled with lots of nip, treats, love and sunbeams!!!!
ReplyDeleteSix years old???? You are a young thing! Ollie is 7 and I am 14!!! Just came by to wish our buddie a wonderful (if belated) birthday! Thank goodness for left overs because we are hungry! We were thinking we could help you clean up but since you are taking a cat nap, maybe we can just join you?
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! May all of your birthday wishes come true!
Yikes, I missed your purrthday. Hope it was a happy one.
ReplyDeleteHoping to help break the bank!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday :)
ReplyDeleteluvs from Peggy's Place