Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

My sweet boy keeping an eye on me while I work on my laptop. Plus he gets to soak up some spring sunshine!

More signs of spring. The red-winged blackbirds have returned to my feeders. I have seen the occasional robin too. Plus I heard the sand hill cranes calling yesterday when I was outside. 

No more snow in my yard, but the snow piles in parking lots remain. It is supposed to be in the 50s for a few days next week. That will help shrink them. 

This coming weekend is the time change from standard time to daylight saving time. I know some people don't care for it, but now that I am retired I don't care. I get up when I wake up, not by an alarm at a specific time. I do my best to not schedule myself for anything before 10 AM too. 

Still not quite outside working time just yet. So still time for more reading and crochet!

Sweet Revenge set in London 1813. Lady Arianna Hadley is searching for the men who killed her father. To do this she disguises herself as a man and works as a chef. Specialty is chocolate and at a dinner where her chocolate was served to the Prince Regent falls ill. Suspected poisoning, so the chef is suspect. Little do they know who they are actually dealing with.

Hide is a mystery / thriller. Chicago Police Detective Harriet Foster is just coming back to work after a leave of absence. Assigned to a new station and with a new partner her first case has the makings of the work of a serial killer. Multiple suspects, so which one is the killer? First in a series.

Woman Last Seen from another new author to me and I couldn't get into this one. Each chapter was from a different person's viewpoint. It was hard to keep track of who was telling the story, a victim, the cop another family member, the suspect. Won't read the next book in this series or other books by this author.

Murder on Black Swan Lane this is by the same author as Sweet Revenge. I couldn't get into this one at all. New author to me and I really couldn't get into either book and these are the first two books of two different series. Not going to continue to read the author.

Happy Reading


  1. Nice to see you enjoying the sun, Ducky. Our time doesn't change until the end of the month.

  2. It's almost time for baseball!

  3. Nothing like a comfy spot with sunshine!!!!!!
    Mum is a big reader too! She looked at those books and thinks they would be a
    Goodread ! I tell her she already has lots of books and she says "No such thing"
    Purrs Winnie

  4. Have listened to the audiobooks for both of these series by Andrea Penrose; I like them enough to wait for the next book. Wrexford & Sloane has a really nice collection of characters.

  5. wavez two ewe dood on thiz whitefish wednesday...snowz gone heer two but in TT, itz been known ta snow in MAY !!!...oh em cod...~~~ ~~~ hopin it stayz a way coz we haz had it...robinz, cardinalz, jay, sparrow etc at de burd bathe and crowz N joyin eatin what ever they iz eatin in de yard ...hope full lee slugs ;) heerz two a grate week a head for ewe N mum ♥♥

  6. Spring is so welcome, isn't it. Sunpuddles are a special blessing.

    Thanks for your honest assessment of books you can't really get into. Life's too short to waste on books you aren't enjoying.

  7. We are looking forward to Daylight Saving Time too. TBT is a retired late-riser too. So it means an extra daylight hour for both him and us! And that the weather is warming is good news too.

  8. Lovely picture of Ducky! We have never understood why people make such a fuss over the one hour change. Ours is still several weeks away in Europe as it's at the very end of March.

  9. We're all about that second-to-last one. It's slowly warming up here, but I'm so ready to take all the effing plastic down, open the drapes and soak up some rays.


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