And Kismet hangs his legs out in front of him. Good way to try to keep cool on a hot day.

It has finally gotten nice enough to have the windows open again. So I have been watching and listening to all the stuff outside the house. Birdies, buns, squirrels, crickets and such. We had a nice rain this morning with a little bit of thunder boomies and lightning.

Big whisker humps or no, you are still a gorgeous smiley boy, Derby!!
ReplyDeleteMomma loves the garden pichers. She wishes it would rain here, it is bone dry she says.
Patches Lady
I don't see any whisker humps, I just see some handsome whiskers.
ReplyDeleteHi Derbs! Handsome set of whiskers!
ReplyDeleteBig whisker humps is a good thing! You look GREAT with your paws out like that, Derb! And your silent lady cat friend is lookin' good.
ReplyDeleteyou have perfectly fine whiskers. (i thought that comment was a little rude)
ReplyDeleteAll of these comments are making me feel bad. Big whisker humps is a GOOD thing! It is one of my most favorite things about me, and one of my most favorite things about you! It was definitely not meant to be an insult. It is a compliment! You should be proud! I think you are very handsome, Derby. I did not mean to make you feel bad. Honest. It is a great thing!
ReplyDeleteDerby, you look like Superman with your arms all out like that!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I hope Virginger doesn't eat all those grapes!
Kismet, I know you didn't mean whisker humps as a bad thing. So no problem man. Guess some of the gang thought so, but maybe big whisker humps mean wonderful, long whiskers.
ReplyDeleteFlying like Superman, wheeeeeeeeee.
we didn't fink that big whisker humps was a bad fing eifurr. you do look like supercat wif your paws out like that. you needs a cape.
ReplyDeleteMomma said that just means you are a big handsome cat.
ReplyDeleteoooh! offur at Kat's Cat of the Day they had a whole Flickr box of cats wif 'specially big & boo-tee-full whisker humps 'cept they calls 'em FB's. our furs is so dark ya can't tell on us, but yes - it's a furry GOOD thing ta haf bigger ones from what we hears. Virginger's furry good at climbin isn't she? we likes her garden!
ReplyDeleteI think having big whisker humps is good for us hoo-la-less guys. We have to have something, don't we? To prove we're still manly, I mean!
Hi, Super Derby! You needs a cape, cept i hear they're dangerous. I got tagged wif big whisker humps, too, an they efun called me VTLT fur Victor Tabbycat, Lip T*ts! I fink it's purty funny. And, hmmm, mine ARE larger than Bonnie's, so maybe the Crew is onto somefing.
ReplyDeleteMom lurves Stargazer Lilies. Looks like Vir-Ginger does, too. It was a nice rain. We gots grapes, but not the kind that make fruit. Ours just try to grab Dad's 4-wheel monster.
Derby you has loverly whiskers and we don't see no humps. Teleport ofur while the beans are out and we'll check 'em out in person.
ReplyDeleteI think those whisker humps make you look sophisticated, Derby! Looks like Virginger got to have a lot of fun outside as well!
ReplyDelete::purrrr::, you're whisker humps are so dreamy.
Hey Derby - Thanks for visiting our site. We have a silent friend too! His name is Squeezy. We'll have to post his photo soon so you can see him. We put your link on our site - visit again soon!
ReplyDeleteKimo & Sabi
Wow, Derby, I hope one day if I become a big man cat, I can have whisker humps as nice as yours and Kismets. Insted, I've got girly whisker humps. [sigh] I also like the foto with yer legs out in frunt of yoo, Kismet-style.
ReplyDeleteAnd in yer tree foto, I see a bird bag like the one I have that all the yellow berdies like! We have a lot in common!!!
Nice fotos!
I think your adorable just the way you are :)
ReplyDeleteYes, Derby...The bigger the whisker humps, or FB's as we call them at Kat's Cat, are a good thing! I just went to Kismet's site! OMGosh! Kismet, you have the biggest FB's I've seen in awhile! Will have to discuss them with Rosie, who invented the term FB.