Wow, what a wonderful ceremony and banquet. The band is goint to play until midnight. We can dance if we wants, or just sit and visit.

Plus the snack table and bar are open. Help me keep an eye on the younger kitties so they don't get carried away.

Overnight routine same as last night. This evening has been wonderful, with the exception of Blogger outage.
Oh lookie, we made it ofur here :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I made it over to LiveJournal just in time to come back to say good night, hee hee. Blogger sure was a party pooper, literally!
ReplyDeleteAn excellent ceremony Derby and a great day. You sure know how to throw a party.
Nite nite Rascal. :) Take care!
ReplyDeletehere we are!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteHey Grr, Midnight and Cocoa!
ReplyDeleteGood night HOT(M)BC, Good night Derby, Good night Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa, Good night everykitty!
ReplyDelete*whispers* he's such a handsum black kitty
ReplyDelete~~ Mini
Whew, what an ordeal. I finally got the comment thing to open. ::sigh:: At least the outage was AFTER the ceremony.
ReplyDeletegood nite Rascal & Catzee!
ReplyDeleteYeah, thank goodness, Derby!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
Goodnight Rascal. Blogger has been a bummer tonight. Maybe the party crashed Blogger!
ReplyDeleteMini - do you have a crush on Rascal?
ReplyDeleteOh, THERE you all are! I was in the previous post still. Derby, is it snowin at yur house?
ReplyDeleteyur lucky - it neffur snows here. the Lady just got back from work an errands an didn't effun wear a jacket
ReplyDeleteHello? Anybody there?
Grr, the snow means cold air comin in the house whenefur sumone opens the door. Also, the beans wear extra layers of fur an come in wet and track mud into the house. It's icky to step in!
ReplyDeleteHey Bonnie :)
ReplyDeleteHey Victor *headbutts*
Hi! Nice to see you, Mini, Sanjee, Boni!
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie and Victor. No snow, just rain.
ReplyDeleteDerby, yur Mom's speech was furry good.
ReplyDeletePepi and Gree are curled up in the sunroom for the night. It got chilly out, so they got to come in to snooze. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat an evening. Mum thought she had it all under control. The Blogger wented away. So she kept trying. But we did have an brief alternate sight thanks to HOT(M)BC.
ReplyDeleteOh, it rained here all day. The boy was dressed funny an kept saying "Arrgh." They said if it wasn't rainin, they'd go to the zoo, but it was, so they went to sumfing indoors furry crowded. I can smell LOTS an LOTS of ofur little sticky people on their clothes.
ReplyDeleteIt's good that yur outside furiends haf a warm place to sleep. And it was good of yur mom to provide a temporary party site. Derby, we's all hafin fun in spite of Blogger, right?
ReplyDeleteA pirate! That's what hte boy was. I was tryin to fink of it, but blogger trouble reminded me - maybe he's the Dread Pirate Blogger!
ReplyDeleteYes, we are still having fun inspite of Blogger. Would you like to dance?
ReplyDeleteOh, he was a pirate, like Pepi dresses up as.
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
Glad we could go it, Derby. We should give all cats hosting parties the url and the log in, in case blogger acts up, come to think of it.
~~ Boni
Why, Derby, I'd love to! What's the band playing?
ReplyDeletePepi made a good pirate! I fink my boy's too nice fur a real pirate.
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I don't know the name of the song. We can dance whatever you want to dance
ReplyDeleteWell, I do enjoy doing the Catango wif Bombay, but let's just let the music move us!
ReplyDeleteOk, y'all, I've got some BIG news. Not just important, but BIG. Listen...
ReplyDeleteMom went to PetSmart today, an she was gettin sum more Temptations (cuz we like the purple bag an that's the only place she can find it) an she found...
ReplyDeleteA "mega" bag of Temptations!
It's 180g (I read it) instead of only 85g, so that's like a squillion more in one pack!
It's salmon.
Isn't that GREAT, BIG news?
Oh, that Victor and his Temptations. Don't listen to him.
ReplyDeleteA squillion more Temp-tay-shuns per bag!! Mooooooooooooooom you gotta go to PetSmart right now!!!
ReplyDelete~~ Mini
Mini, PetSmart isn't open right now, dear.
~~ Mom Robyn
Well go anyways so you can be there when they open! I need a mega bag of Temp-tay-shuns!
~~ Mini
did sumbuddy say MEGA BAG O' TEMPTATIONS?
ReplyDeleteAren't they the bestest? I don't know why Mom bothers feedin us crunchies. She could just fill our bowls wif Temptations, an we'd be happy. Right Mini?
ReplyDeleteWe're sorry we're so late!! We didn't want to miss your birthday. Mom was busy and wouldn't let us come, then Blogger was down, and your weather didn't help. We'd just like to find a warm place to hang out. Happy Birthday.
P.S. I have an October Gotcha Day: Oct 4. ~Bathsheba
*giggles* I finkd somecat did, yup.
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
our Lady just came home from Petsmart an she didn't see the extra jumbo humongous bag! grrrrr!
ReplyDeleteBonnie that was a good catango. Probably not as good as with Bombay, but not bad. I am not a super dancer. But I am still having a few issues with getting in to just leave a comment.
ReplyDeleteBigger Temptayshun bags. Hmmm. But we don't have PetSmart here, just PETCO.
Derby, thanks for the dance. I won't keep you frum yur ofur guests. Purrr
ReplyDeleteHi Jake and Bathsheba :)
ReplyDeleteAn Happy October Gotcha Day, Bathsheba!
Oh, Derby! We gots two PetSmarts an no PetCo!
ReplyDeletePetco may gets them too, Derby. But if not, PetSmart has a website hehehe
ReplyDelete~~ Mini
Aww, we missed Bathsheba. Happy belated Gotcha Day.
ReplyDeleteyes, blogger and the weather have not cooperated. But we are nice and warm inside.
Happy Gotchaday, efurryone! An happy Purrthday fur those was actyoully born in October.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone notice my new collar? I'm not sure I like it... it has a bell.
ReplyDeleteHee, hee, wif Bonnie's bell, I can hear her comin efun sooner! It's red, an that's a good color fur her.
ReplyDeleteMini, would you dance wif me?
ReplyDeleteDid the mice get you and put a bell on you? Do your beans not want you to sneak up on them?
ReplyDeleteWell at times blogger is not letting me comment. Mum says she needs to head to bed. So everycat stay as long as you want. Stay over and sleep here if you want.
See you all tomorrow.
Derby, thanks for the welcome and wishes. It sure looks like you're having a fabulous birthday party weekend. What a lot of cool cats here. We've got a lot of catching up to do.
Sure, Victor!
ReplyDelete~~ Mini
Wow - another great night! You're a great party host Derby! We better get off to bed. . . we'll sack out here tonight . . . too tired to transport back!
ReplyDeleteHey everyone! I'm back! Wow that was a long nap! I don't think I should drink champagne anymore.
ReplyDeleteI slept so long, the OTW went to her party and came back already. She says she left early 'cause we were having so much fun her party was dull in comparison.
You can start a nap pile, Kimo and Sabi. I bets lotsa kitties will join in.
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
Welcome back, Jack :)
ReplyDelete~~ Boni
Mice? What mice? We don't haf... Oh! Hey, hey. Good one, Derby. No, I fink the collar camed wif a bell an if I don't like that, I'll order my woman to remove it. She has to put my name tag onto it anyway.
ReplyDeleteGood night, Derby. We'll be gettin to bed soon, too.
Good night, Derby! {waves one paw, holdin one of Mini's paws in the other}
ReplyDeleteNite nite Derby :) Fanks to your Mommy for efurryfing!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
I'm ready, Victor. And I'll try not to step on your paws hehehe
~~ Mini
Hehe, Mini, that shouldn't be a problem, I'm not "under foot" like sum cats!
ReplyDeleteNight Derby!
ReplyDeleteHey Boni! How you doing? Having fun?
Strange fing on our blog... Since Blogger camed back, our entire blogroll says "updated," efun sites that never indicate when they update. But the ofur blogroll we gots frum sumone else doesn't say "updated" fur efurryone.
ReplyDeletehehehe ok Victor!
Hi Jack. I'm doing good, thanks. How about you? I've danced some and had a good time
~~ Boni
Mini, you's a good dancer.
ReplyDeleteRefreshed and ready to party some more after that nap.
ReplyDeleteFeel like another dance? I've never tried dancing so I'm not sure how good I'll be at it, but I'll give anything a try once.
Derby--night night. I tried to say goodbye but then blogger was down. I didn't know the party had moved!
ReplyDeleteHi Gemini, g'night Gemini!
ReplyDeleteNite Gemini :)
ReplyDelete*all wavin a paw*
Sure, I'll dance with you Jack!
~~ Boni
Thanks Victor. You can move yourself!
~~ Mini
Great! Let's go! I'll try not to step on your paws!
ReplyDelete* Heads to the dance floor with Jack *
ReplyDeletehehehe OK, I'll try not to step on yours too
~~ Boni
I'm ready to nap. I'll try to find a nice chair I can haf to myself.
ReplyDeleteHave a good nap Bonnie :)
ReplyDeleteI think I'm ready to find a nappile, myself
~~ Sanjee
Sanjee, I'm wif you. Fanks fur the dance Mini! Bonnie purrfurs to be alone, but I like gettin to nap wif ofur kitties at the party.
ReplyDeleteThanks Victor, you're a good dancer :)
ReplyDelete~~ Mini
Let's start a nappile if we can't find one already started, Victor. I'm pooped from all this partyin!
~~ Sanjee
Thanks for the dance, Boni,
ReplyDeletethat wasn't as hard as I thought. I only misplaced my paws a few times.
Want to dance again? or are you headed for a nap pile too?
Thank you Jack. It's not so hard :) You didn't even step on my paws one time!
ReplyDeleteAnother dance would be great, then I'll head to the nappile :)
~~ Boni
Great! thanks! You're very patient.
ReplyDeleteOh, I love to dance. It's fun :) And you're doing great!
ReplyDelete~~ Boni
So Boni, are you and your borthers and sisters on Catster?
ReplyDeleteYep, all of us are :) I can't remember our id's but they're on our blog on the lefthand side.
ReplyDeleteOk, I just joined catster a couple weeks ago and I haven't had time to look around much, but if it's ok, I'll go look for your IDs later and invite you to my friends list.
ReplyDeleteSure. We don't get on catster as much as we'd like. Mom has the work thing she has to do, and she hogs the computer too much. But it pays for the kitty food, so I guess it's ok.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't go on much either. Tomorrow's my two week anniversery of blogging and it already takes hours to go read the blogs of every kitty who's come by to say hello. Most days I only get to half of them, 'cause the OTW need to do research.
ReplyDeleteI think we may be the last kitties up. Everyone else seems to have gon down for a nap.
Yeah, we almost never get to alllllllll the kitty blogs in one day.
ReplyDeleteYep, it's lookin like nappile time.
Thanks for the dances, Jack!
Come on and join a nappile, if you want. :)
ReplyDeleteNite nite :)
I'm not really sleepy, but I can never resist a nap pile. :)
ReplyDeleteMy OTW says "go on, twist my rubber paw!" when I can't resist things.
Which is kinda strange, now that I think about it, because why would I want to twist her rubber paw. She rub me with it all twisted up. Silly human.
Oooooo, this looks like a GOOOD nap pile!
Nite, Boni!
I mean she can't rub me.
ReplyDeleteWow, maybe I AM tired.
Anyone up?
Huh. I guess I'll just sneak outside for a bit and play 2 am tag with the bugs.
ReplyDeleteFurry gud mornin to efurryone! We is so mad Momma fur not lettin us be at da party. We sur wuz finkin b'out it. we wuz wif all yu poodins in spirit...Momma hasta werk today and she said we could not use the puter while she is gone. So we is some sad poodins becuz we wont be able to be here today..all our best wishes go to all the honerees!
ReplyDeleteabby Boo Ping Jinx Gracie
what excellent sleeping buddies I had. Ms. Derby You threw such a great party. But how could such a pretty kitty as you not throw a great party? happy days to the October kitties :)