Saturday, December 6, 2008


This is what it looks like outside our house in the back. A week ago you could see the grass, now it is all white. We have had snow three times this week and more to come this next week. Mum is hoping this won't be like last winter!
Mum left one of her wind chimes outside. It got wet and all icy so she brought it in to melt off.
She just left it in the sink to drip off, that wet clear stuff was cold on my tongue.
Mum has started to get the Christmouse stuff out. That means the little white people have made their appearance. Mum keeps at least a few out as long as we have snow on the ground. Mum says she hopes she can put them away early this year.
No tree yet, mum says that will wait for a week or so. She doesn't want me to chew on the light cords! So I guess I will nap for now.


  1. Oh yoo gots dat white stuff alreddy. We might be gettin some of dat Sunday. Yoo haf da right idea by taking a good nap.

  2. Wow Derby, you have snow already. Sigh. We put up our tree today.

  3. We gotta a tiny bit of that white stuff today. We hope it doesnt last long!

  4. Only the higher elevations around here have gotten snow that stayed so far. I hope a lot more falls, because we are still in a drought.

  5. Brr that white stuff makes us feel cold. We've only ever seen it twice and that wasn't very much. Maybe we'll get some this year. Mum said we can help her put the tree up today. Yayyy indoor tree climbing!

  6. That is a lot of snow. Our mom says where we live it usually snowes one time earlier on (had that) and then again some in Februrary. And the time between is all dull, grey and wet. Oh and cold, too! It's our first Winter, so let's wait and see.
    Purrs, Siena & Chilli

  7. We got 2 more inches yesterday! I bet it's a white Christmas for us this year!

  8. Hi ya, Derby! We got some of that white stuff too! Mom put up the tree today...but she didn't decorate it yet...she doesn't want the ornaments to become our new cat toys...

  9. Derby, I sure hope you waited until that windchime was sufficiently defrosted before you licked it-you're tongue could get stuck!

  10. hawaii sounds super Derby. let's go!

  11. I tinks you better snuggle up wit your momee so you doez nots gets too cold. Unless you puts your sweat-turr on.

  12. Ohhh, that white stuff looks coooold! It is cold enough here without white stuff. My pond is frozen. And the grass is white and crunchy from frost.
    My humans were going to put the tree up today but they couldn't find it in the loft! It is a mystery. They may have to buy a new one.
    So they did lots of cleaning instead. Which I didn't like because of the sucky monster going for hours.
    Have a nice week my friend.

  13. Snow! Are you sure those little snowmen aren't toys?

  14. My Mom got a fibre optic tree so she wouldn't need light cords 'cos I love chewing wires. She still has to plug it in but she put cord protector round the plug in bit and spoilt my fun!


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