I have a chewing fetish, I love to chew on things that I shouldn't. Mum thinks I was weaned too soon, that I have to chew on stuff. Plastic, bags, just chewing in general.

You can't see my mouth on this picture, but mum had cut the plastic thingy that holds the soda bottles together. Me I want it, chew, chew, chew.
Does any other kittie do this too?
I like to chew on my mom's fingers! Caroline is fond of plastic grocery bags. And way way before us? One of my mom's original cats was absolutely addicted to shower curtain liners. She would sit on the edge of the tub between the liner and the curtain and was perfectly content to spend ages just perforating the liner!
ReplyDeleteThose would be fun to chew on. I am not allowed to get that close!
ReplyDeleteI'm not much of a chewer...not even on my toys. Now, Food...YES!
ReplyDeleteYou're not kidding! Keep those chompers clean by chewing!
ReplyDeleteWe don't really chew but one of the ones that came before us chewed on plastic,ribbon and gift bows a lot. We can see how it would be fun though.
ReplyDeleteGlad I am not on my own, mne is plastic, any kind of plastic, I lick and lick it first.. I prefer to lick the carrier bags than see whats inside.. We all have our quirky side it seems..
ReplyDeleteHugs GJ xx
I am not much of a chewer - none of us are...
ReplyDeleteLeia will chew on anything, too.
ReplyDeleteMy Mary will chew plastic. I try my best to discourage this because if she swallows it then it could do all sorts of damage to her insides. A friend's cat a few years ago ate rubber bands, plastic, string and even the rubber bumpers off the bed. She found this out when the vet operated because she was having black poop - and he pulled it out of her tummy!
ReplyDeleteMarian in Houston
Neither of us chew, well I suppose I chew my legs when I am being groomed or petted, but that is because I am very ticklish.
We don't have any chewers but we do have kitties that do weird stuff, some of which we think is because of being weaned to early. Once licks plastic bags, one sucks on blankets - all very similar to chewing.
ReplyDeleteI have the same problem and Jan says the same thing. I was still too young to be on my own without my mom when Merci rescued me. And I chew on everything, especially plastic.
ReplyDeleteHarley used to chew stuff up when he was younger, but now neither of us are big chewers. We hardly even chew our foods!
ReplyDeleteBuddah chews on everything, even electric cords. He mighta been weaned early, since he was a shelter kitty. I like to chew on the cords that open and close the window thingies, but mostly because that really ticks the people off.
ReplyDeletePebbles, Dino's meezer sister, loved to chew anything plastic. She also liked the wrap (not foil) on plants/flowers you get at the supermarket. But, like all things, there were limits on this type of chewing.
ReplyDeleteME chews on EFURRYFING!! Efen the mom lady person!! - Billy
ReplyDeleteI chews on stuff too - Sammy
Oh Derby, that's a "no-no". Remember my terrible ordeal after I chewed thread?!
ReplyDeleteAnd one of the "cats that came before" chewed plastic bags and had to have 2 operations on her middle.
It's better to chew on toys or treats, I think.
Your friend
I do, Derby.
ReplyDeletePlastic bags, I love the plastic bags that things are shipped in, bubble wrap, my brush. -Scooby
Oh I'm really bad when it comes to plastic...like bubble wrap and plastic bags...I chew chew chew! Ernie chews too...but he chews cords and wood and hard stuff and mom's leather bag...he's really silly! Mom just gets mad...
I'm not a chewer. I'm a fabric licker!
ReplyDeleteNo I don't seem to do that, not even when I was young
ReplyDeleteWe don't chew on things anymore Derby, but when we were kittens we liked to. Especially Simon, Momma had to put plastic tubing over her nightstand lamp cord because that was his fetish.
ReplyDeletePurrs and headbutts,
Sabrina and Sam
Hi, Derby, how are you? You look great in spite of that chewing!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I understand these habits. My daughter Rozi loves chewing, too. And she hasn't excuses, as she hasn't been weaned yet!
Missouri (the bat-cat ):))
We don't chew much, but please be careful Derby! We don't want you chewing something that could hurt you.
ReplyDeleteI am a chewer too. I like to chew on corners of books the most, but other cardboard will do.