Noise coming from kitch-hen ::flip, rustle, rustle, rustle:: Mum comes to kitch-hen to find the top of the trash can up!
Oh say can you see a big kittie checking out what is in the trash can?
Oh, yeah, it is me, looking for those chick-hen bones from the other night and the plastic thingy I like to chew on.
But I was thwarted in my quest, mum picked me up and said I was "BAD, BAD, BAD KITTY" and dropped me to the floor. I growled back at her. Phooey.
Then she emptied out the trash anyway, it is trash night tonight. Then put a big heavy thing on top, so I can't get it it now. BUMMER. 
Guess I will go and nap.
Moms really know how to spoil our fun, don't they?
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
But you were just honoring Leap Day by leaping into the trash can!
ReplyDeleteYou got off easy. My Mum would haf thought I needed disinfecting after that! We all haf lapses in judgement from time to time. No harm done, we say!
ReplyDeleteAwww, I bet there were some tasty things in there too. Two kitties that lived here before used to do that. The older lady kitty would step on the thingy to open it and the younger kitty would jump in then wobble the bin over until everything spilled out on the floor. Mummy would come home and they looked liked they had been having a party! :)xx
ReplyDeleteDerby, you need to learn to do that silently!
ReplyDeleteYou are one smart cat --even if you did get allow yourself to get caught!
ReplyDeleteMOL!! we have never seen a kitty in the trash before, how adventurous!
ReplyDeleteBwahaha! You are very persistent.
ReplyDeleteOne kitty should have distracted Mum with something in one of the bedrooms while the second cat jumped in the trash! Sorry you were not successful!