Monday, February 10, 2025

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Civilization is defined by the presence of cats. - Unknown 

Hi everyone, it is Ducky here on this Monday. This is how I spent lots of Sunday. Napping in the sunshine, then I would go sit on mum. She said I was furry warm. She liked that.

We had a little bit of snow this past week, but it was so little mum didn't even try to shovel. She just let the sunshine make it go away. She is getting lazy! MOL. 

Stouper Bowl Report

Those high flying Eagles stomped on the Chiefs. Heck, the Eagles were pitching a shut out for nearly 75% of the game. Mum really didn't care who won, she just watched for the game and the ads. Plus she worked on her crow-shay as usual. 

One thing is that our Pack is still the only team who has won three consecutive years of championships. They have even done it twice, way back when in 1929-1931, then again 1965-1967. Those last two years was when they won the first two Stouper Bowls. 

So that is the it from here. Have a good week.


  1. Ducky, sun-warmed kitty fur is so very delicious to humans!

  2. You look lovely sitting in the sun, Ducky.

  3. Fabulous that you heat up your fur and then share the warmth with you mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Napping in the sun sounds like a great occupation.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.