Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Just finished watching the Westminster Dog show. Back in Madison Square Garden after being either outside or at the Ashe tennis facility. These past few years it has been held later in the year, back in February and I almost missed it. My favorite name was an English Springer Spaniel, official name was Bohemian Rhapsody, his daily name is Freddie! The winner was a giant schnauzer.

Ducky did join me to watch some of it, but I think he was just looking for warms! Going to be cool and snow on Wednesday, may be our biggest snowfall of the season. Plus I have to go out in it too, haircut! Hope it isn't too bad when I have to go out. 

When we have sunny days you can really tell that the days are longer. Sunrise is before 7 AM now and sunset after 5 PM. Less than a month until daylight saving starts. 


Two Dead Wives I deferred reading this until later when I found out it was a second book in a series. I added in the first book to my list and added this one back in. Then I read the first one, or tried to read it and decided not to read this anyway. The story really didn't jive with me.

The Demon of Unrest is a work on non-fiction by one of my favorite non-fiction authors. It covers the period of late 1860 into 1861; the election of Abraham Lincoln to the fall of Fort Sumter in the Charleston harbor. Deemed the seminal act that started the actual conflict of the American Civil War. 

On a side note a pet peeve of mine. Libraries that put stickers on books that block the cover. Title, art or whatever. In this case the art. It isn't even the barcode to check out the book, that is inside the front cover, but a sticker of the library itself.  In this case it covers a depiction of what the Fort looked like while it was under attack.

The Princess of Las Vegas two sisters, Chrissy and Betsy, plus Betsy's adopted daughter Marisa. Chrissy works in Vegas as a Princess Diana impersonator. Add in the mob, crypto, murder so you get one heck of a page turner. 


Happy Reading!


  1. wednezday white fizh wavez two ewe dood an mum all sew. nother brizk one in Tt
    after three dayz oh ice, mor two day 🤬 total lee agreez with mum, thatz kinda rood ta cover up de art werk oh de book cover like that… heerz hopin yur week a headz a grate one, stay safe N warm 🐟💚💙😺‼️

  2. Stupid sticker placement!
    I've enjoyed every Chris Bohjalian book I've read.

  3. My first thought was that Ducky was a really generous natured dude, agreeing to help you watch the dog show - although it came as a bit of a shock to discover that his human was even the slightest bit interested in dogs. Oh my! But then it occurred to me that perhaps he just wanted to be close enough to remind you that pusscats are, indeed, the superior species and that you wouldn't wanna dog yourself in a million years.
    Stickers: my library sometimes places their stickers so they cover part of the blurb about the author. Grrrrrrrr.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Bummer on the sticker placement. Mom hates when they do that with glasses too.
    Happy Gotcha Day to Ducky!

  5. I remember becoming a reader, and sneaking to go ahead in the lessons my mother was giving me. They were on old fashioned LPs, and books went with them, Listen and Learn with Phonics. When she wasn't around, I'd skip ahead and I couldn't get enough.

    I also remember the day my Bigger Girl became a pre-reader and fell in love with books. I'd been reading to her when I read to her brother, 20 months older. She would squirm, and wiggle, and look off, and then one day, when she was around 18 months old her self, she suddenly realized the words I was saying matched the pictures in the book.

    She grew quiet and still and after that would not get in her crib without a pile of books to look through as she went to sleep. She didn't have to know words yet to know there were stories. She grew up to be a prolific reader once we helped her over her dyslexia.


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