Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

WooHoo, it pays to read! I got notified yesterday that I won one of the gift cards from my local library system. They had an online trivia contest based upon the websites of all of the local libraries. Four different quizzes with the area libraries divided into four groups. 

Last summer they had a contest but there you had to actually visit the library. This was so much easier. I could do it from the comfort of my living room. 

We got snow over the past week and now cold. So great weather for staying inside and reading!

The Heiress has lots of twists and turns. A dysfunctional extended family, suspicious family deaths, adopted offspring, abduction. Just a few of the plot twists that I did not see coming and didn't expect it to end how it did.

How to Solve Your Own Murder, this was a fun book. In 1965 Frances has her fortune told at a fun fair and she believes it. The fact that she will be murdered. Sixty plus years later she dies and yes, she was murdered. Her library is a murder diagram, pictures of people and yarn between people. Multiple books on anyone who might be a suspect. Her two main heirs have one week to figure out who did it and if they do, they inherit her estate. Book alternates to events of the past with the current time.

The Furies: Women, Vengeance and Justice the author examines three real cases in which women reacted to defend themselves and others against men.  Also how the legal system, society and other institutions that should help protect them, actually work against them in cases of domestic violence.

The Making of the King covers the period of just before Queen Elizabeth's death through the following year. Interesting to read all of the decisions that surrounded both her funeral and then the coronation. What if any changes would come. As the book stated, doing the same things, but differently. 

Happy Reading. 


  1. We help TBT read the newspaper. We sit on the parts he shouldn't read, but make sure he can see happy articles.

  2. white fizh wavez two ewe N mum dood ‼️‼️conga ratz two her on winnin de gift card, hope itz one her can uze, ore better yet…one ta de pet food stor 😺😺😺😺
    how ta solvez yur own murder soundz like a fun book….de gurl sayz her kneadz ta chex that out 🐟 heerz two a grate week a head πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™πŸ’š

  3. I enjoyed "How To Solve Your Own Murder" too; I think the author is making a series.

  4. The last quote, yes, thank you. I read what I love, and that's that.

  5. Exciting to hear about your win. What was the gift card for - ie. a specific shop?

    Sydney, Australia


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