Monday, December 9, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 If you want to know the character of a man, find out what his cat thinks of him. - Anonymous 

Mum is an okay purrson! I loves my mum, even when she tries to clean the snot off of my face!

Yeah, I made a trip to the stabby place cuz of my sneezes. Doc M thinks I might be 'lergic to something as my lungs were clear, but showed something that mum can't amember the name of. Little dot things of some sort. Hard to see and mum can't even pick them up if she biggifies the pics. 

Mum told her Dr Tom had sucked all sorts of gunk out of me a few years ago, but she said since I am older she doesn't want to make me sleep to do something like that.

Doc M did give mum special stuff to add to my food, but can't tell if I am really getting it. Although I am sneezing less. The stuff doesn't taste good and Doc M said not to bother she wants me to eat. Plus I am not sneezing much now anyway. Actually sneezing less than mum! She has the sniffles too!

Here are some pics of my insides!

 You would much rather see the outside of me? Right!

Feetsball Report

The Pack played back on Thursday night again. Playing the guys from Dee-Troit. They losted to the lion-kits. Next week is prime time on Sunday out on the left coast in Seattle. 

Mum did see some feetsball yesterday. She was specially happy when ARodg and company lost in overtime! No playoffs for him!

Mum also finished making all her peanut brittle to give some furiends this week when she sees them. She kept her eye on me and I didn't get to lick the butter!

Have a good week everyone!


  1. Well now...what a predicament!
    Yes, Ducky, we certainly prefer your outsides to your insides, however it's interesting to see.
    Whatever those dot-things are, hope it's something that will go away.

  2. You need to eat those meds, Ducky. I am glad you are sneezing less though.

  3. Very interesting to see your insides Ducky. Thank you for sharing. As for finding out what a man's cat thinks of him ... geez: what cat would ever share that kind of information with anyone??

    Sydney, Australia


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