Cats seem always to be finding new ways to do nothing. - Author Unknown
I am always doing something. Napping, eating, playing, just hanging out with mum. Just because I can't do 'chores' like a bean can, doesn't mean I am doing 'nothing'. Just like the video, some beans might say I am doing nothing. Not really, working on my love paws and purring up a storm.
Mum was cruising my shelter's website on Caturday and we saw the following.

My Princess is up for adoption? Mum said no, that is not MY
Princess Mia. I said are you sure, she said yes.
Mum even wented out to see my shelter this weekend. Most of the addition and remodeling is done and she says she likes it and I would too.

The kittie area is now at the front of the building with lots of windows so we kitties would get natural light. The area straight ahead is the big kittie play room for beans to interact with kitties before they adopt. I think they let them out to play during non viewing hours too. They have big windows that go to the floor to see outside.

Mum didn't take many pictures inside as there was lots of beans around. Mum says the crates are bigger than they used to have, plus big picture window suites for like a family of cats that come in or a bunch of kittens if they have them.
They have a big sign out front about going to The Bridge, but they call it the Rainbow Valley. Mum got all leaky eyed when she read the story off the picture when she got home.

Plus mum donated some green papers to help build the new place, and she bought a brick. So she looked and found it right away. It is near the corner where the sidewalk by the parking spaces meets the main walkway into the door. A nice prominent spot!

But mum cheated on me. She looked a at kitties, says maybe it is time I had a fursib. So the kittie she looked at was Opal, who was listed right above Princess Mia . Why Opal? Well mum says to be fair, since I have no claws that my fursib not have claws either. Not many kitties come in like that and Opal is a all four de-clawed kittie.
Here is a short video, mum says she is really quiet, maybe too quiet to deal with me.
Mum said her one eye is all wonky too, her right eye. Sort of looks like a cataract in the eye. They said they don't really know what is wrong, it is not a foreign body and she is being treated by the vet.

She sat quietly under the chair for a while. Mum tried to get her to play and she really didn't want to play.

Here she is looking out the door into the room with the crates with all of her fellow kitties waiting for adoption.

Guess I better enjoy my days as a only cat, they may be numbered!
Derby's Mum: Opal was very sweet, sort of liked being cuddled but wouldn't play much. She has been in a foster situation with other cats and did ok, but what sold me on Derby was that the minute we were in one of these little rooms he came over and rubbed up against me and meowed hello. We played and had a great time. Opal was content to sit, mostly under the chair. She was soft and sweet, so she will find a good home soon.