Marilyn MonREOW at Gentlement Prefer Blondes tagged me for a meme.
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules before you give the facts.
2. List one fact that is somehow relevant to you and your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your post using your middle name and facts about it.
4. At the end of your post, choose one cat to tag for each letter of your middle name. Be sure to let each cat know she/he has been tagged. (It's okay if you don't do this... tag who you want to tag!)
Hmmm, now what is my middle name? I guess it is SASSY!
S = Sexy. 'nuf said!
A= Athletic. I can jump and race around the house. I am a thundering herd of elephants all on my own.
S = Soft, my furs that is.
S = Sophisticated. At least I think so.
Y = Young. Hey I am only three, will be four in October. That is just a really young, when you think that some of our revered catizens are over 15 years old.
I won't tag anyone as I know I am way behind in responding to this challenge. If you haven't been tagged and want to play, join in.
Not much good new on the puter at this point. Will have to get the new one before we really get back and get rolling.
Mum found a class to learn how to use the photoshop program, but it won't be until the end of November. Plus The Crew's mum is going to take it too. So our mum's will be able to meet, finally!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Fang Shui Friday
Catching birds is good ch'i. However, if the energy you expend hunting is greater than the energy received from eating the bird, it is best avoided. For this reason, do NOT hunt hummingbirds.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
I think this is very wise advise. Those little hummers fly so fast mum can hardly even catch them with her camera. She hasn't gotten any new pictures of the hummers since a few weeks ago. But I am not allowed outside, so I don't think I will be catching any birdies to eat.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
No update on the broken puter. Mum will call this weekend, but most likely it won't be fixed or work well. So probably not worth the effort to get it all set up again. So we wait for the new one to get here.
So I am missing all of you. Mum does try to give me a few mintues to read some of the blogs, but not really enough time to comment. Plus we are trying NOT to use her work puter for much of non-work stuff. Her employer can get picky about that.
No we haven't been rained out, no one name Noah is in the neighborhood building a boat. Mum has added up all the number from the rain thing and it is nearly 9 inches. Basement is dry, the grass is soggy.

Me and a flower, a rose! Hang in their gang I will be back!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Missing in Action
Guess that is what I will be for a while. Mum worked from home today, so I could sneak on to leave a message.
Old puter is in bad shape, but the geeks are working on it. Not sure when/if it will be cured and how long the cure will last.
Mum ordered a new laptop this weekend, but it will take a couple of weeks to get here. Things are backed up because of school. Plus she wanted to be sure she got one that will handle all the stuff we do. So a quicky cheap one was not the way to go.
So I will be around, when I can. Back to my nap. Purrs everyone.
Old puter is in bad shape, but the geeks are working on it. Not sure when/if it will be cured and how long the cure will last.
Mum ordered a new laptop this weekend, but it will take a couple of weeks to get here. Things are backed up because of school. Plus she wanted to be sure she got one that will handle all the stuff we do. So a quicky cheap one was not the way to go.
It has been a furry rainy time here this past weekend. Mum says nearly 5 inches in our yard since Saturday. With little puter time she has been able to do other stuff. So mum has gotten lots of reading done, which she says it good. She needed to make progres on this big long series of books she has been reading. Something about a big war and Mr Churchill.

Friday, August 17, 2007
Fang Shui Friday
Eat different prey to enhance different aspects of Feng Shui. Mice represents domestic tranquillity. Birds allow the adventurous spirit to take flight. To enhance sexuality, take sustenance from a bird with red plumage.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
Mum would have a fit if I tried to eat any of the outside birdies. I like Mr Cardinal and don't think I want to eat him. Mice, well, mum is happier if we don't have any around the house. But I haven't eaten them, only killed them. Then I give to mum and she puts them in a special spot out in the metal monster room. I never see them again.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
Mum would have a fit if I tried to eat any of the outside birdies. I like Mr Cardinal and don't think I want to eat him. Mice, well, mum is happier if we don't have any around the house. But I haven't eaten them, only killed them. Then I give to mum and she puts them in a special spot out in the metal monster room. I never see them again.

Sorry, I have been sort of MIA this week. Mum's puter died and I am sneaking this in through her work puter. ::Sigh:: Hope to be back soon. Mum is trying to decide if she has enough green papers to maybe get a new puter.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Twin Challenge
George over at Crew's Views has challenged us to find our nose or face twin. I think I sort of have two fellow ginger buddies who can match up pretty well.
Brach Lee husband/brofur of Empress Kukka-Maria. He has a white strip on his forehead, same as me, but his is a little lower on his face than mine. We sure do miss them now that they are not blogging anymore.
Connor Cloud of the Cyclone Cats. He is missing the little stripe of white on his forehead, otherwise, we are about the same. He lives in the same town that mum was borned in!
On Saturday at the party for the August kitties we had a great time at the HotMBC chat. Lots of us gotted carried away and had our furs dyed (temporary) like our beans dye their hair. So since the Packers were playing I got my dye job in green and gold. Plus I had them stencil the initials of my lovely Princess Mia Bella on my side. See me with my green and gold dye job.
Thankfully with some nice warm towels from the spa people I am back to my normal colors today! But it was fun. Sammy Meezer was blue, so he got dyed blue, Zippy dyed herself red!
Mum got crazy last night. She woked up in the middle of the night (2 AM) and then went outside! She sat in a chair and looked up at the sky. She said she was looking for stars to shoot. No wait, mum says she was looking at shooting stars. This is the bestest time to watch for the Perseid meteor shower and she got to see some of them shooting stars. Not super lots, 'cuz lights from the city make it harder to see them. But she saw about 6 within 15 minutes which was furry good, all things considered. The night before it was cloudy and raining, so she didn't get up. Funny thing was she just sort of woke up, looked at the time and went outside. Not like she set the alarm to get up.
This is the first time mum has seen them. She thinks about looking at the every year. But it is either a bad night to stay up late, a full moon, clouds etc. So mum figured it was worth a few minutes to go outside and see what she could see. Some clouds started to come in, so she came back in and wented back to sleep. But now she can cross off one thing on her list of stuff she would like to see.

On Saturday at the party for the August kitties we had a great time at the HotMBC chat. Lots of us gotted carried away and had our furs dyed (temporary) like our beans dye their hair. So since the Packers were playing I got my dye job in green and gold. Plus I had them stencil the initials of my lovely Princess Mia Bella on my side. See me with my green and gold dye job.

Mum got crazy last night. She woked up in the middle of the night (2 AM) and then went outside! She sat in a chair and looked up at the sky. She said she was looking for stars to shoot. No wait, mum says she was looking at shooting stars. This is the bestest time to watch for the Perseid meteor shower and she got to see some of them shooting stars. Not super lots, 'cuz lights from the city make it harder to see them. But she saw about 6 within 15 minutes which was furry good, all things considered. The night before it was cloudy and raining, so she didn't get up. Funny thing was she just sort of woke up, looked at the time and went outside. Not like she set the alarm to get up.
This is the first time mum has seen them. She thinks about looking at the every year. But it is either a bad night to stay up late, a full moon, clouds etc. So mum figured it was worth a few minutes to go outside and see what she could see. Some clouds started to come in, so she came back in and wented back to sleep. But now she can cross off one thing on her list of stuff she would like to see.
Monday, August 13, 2007
ManCat Monday
God made the cat in order that man might have the pleasure of caressing the lion. - Fernand Mery
Rworwrrrrrr. I am lion cat, hear me roar. I am probably trying to tell mum to leave me alone and let me nap on the nice clean bed with the freshly laundered sheets and blankies.
About the pictures from Saturday, no mum is not an alien. She just didn't want to show her face in the pictures on Saturday, just her furry wet head and all sweaty clothes. Mum is strange, I know. I have to live with her all the time.
Otherwise I had a quiet weekend. I did stop by the HotMBC party for the August kitties. We had fun, we did the walking on the ceiling again. Those sticky boots work really well for me since I don't have claws to hang on with. I napped a lot on Sunday. Mum was gone with Grampie for most of the day and even when they were here things were quiet. I did get pets from Grampie, and I wanted to jump on him while he was napping, but mum shooed me away. She said I would probably have scared him by jumping on him. I don't want to scare Grampie, I like him.
About the pictures from Saturday, no mum is not an alien. She just didn't want to show her face in the pictures on Saturday, just her furry wet head and all sweaty clothes. Mum is strange, I know. I have to live with her all the time.
Otherwise I had a quiet weekend. I did stop by the HotMBC party for the August kitties. We had fun, we did the walking on the ceiling again. Those sticky boots work really well for me since I don't have claws to hang on with. I napped a lot on Sunday. Mum was gone with Grampie for most of the day and even when they were here things were quiet. I did get pets from Grampie, and I wanted to jump on him while he was napping, but mum shooed me away. She said I would probably have scared him by jumping on him. I don't want to scare Grampie, I like him.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
960,000 Green Papers
Mum took the day off yesterday. She slept in and then did a bunch of running around. Then she went out to work in the yard. Put the birdie food she bought in the big metal can, mow the lawn and then clean the birdie baths. So when that was all done she sprayed water all over her head. This gotted her all wet on her head, but she said it felt good and cooled her off, then she came in and went into the little rain room to finish cooling off.
The gang at HotMBC is having a party starting at 3 PM eastern time. I am getting ready to teleport over and have a good time. Drop in if you get a chance, they say it is going to last ALL night.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Fang Shui Friday
If served food from a can, it is unauspicious to eat all of it. Leave a good portion to dry out, as a preventative measure against poverty.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
Mum is never so rude to feed me directly from the can. My food always goes into a bowl and certain treats and such get fed to me by her hand. So this is me, staring at her to give me a treat or six!

Today's flower is the Russian sage plant. Top picture shows it just growing and now it is in full bloom. Mum just loves this stuff and what you see is actually three plants to give a huge bunch of mass in the garden, not just one plant.
It hasn't been that hot here, but the air is all sticky. Mum has tried to open the window overnight when it isn't hot. But then we get rains too, which mum says is good as the grass and garden needs it. This week we have had several rain storms which brought us 2 inches of rain. The grass is actually green again.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
Mum is never so rude to feed me directly from the can. My food always goes into a bowl and certain treats and such get fed to me by her hand. So this is me, staring at her to give me a treat or six!
It hasn't been that hot here, but the air is all sticky. Mum has tried to open the window overnight when it isn't hot. But then we get rains too, which mum says is good as the grass and garden needs it. This week we have had several rain storms which brought us 2 inches of rain. The grass is actually green again.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Things with Wings

Here are some of mum's pictures of stuff with wings. First race cars that have wings on the back. See how they drive right by where she is taking pictures. This is what she calls playing in traffic. They check the people to make sure they are belted in the car, helmets and gloves on before they take the cars out and go fast.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
ManCat Monday
Who can believe that there is no soul behind those luminous eyes! - Theophile Gautier
Mum thinks I have a soul, that all living creatures have a soul. So there are times she just looks at me and smiles.
Mum and I had a quiet weekend. She just did the stuff around the house, she even took a nap yesterday. It was a good day for a bean nap, cloudy, rainy day, not much to do. She even slept in a bit on Sunday AM, which was furry good. That put her in a good mood for the day. I got lots of cuddles and such. But when I wandered off to take a nap, she just let me be.
Some weeks ago the Cat Realm issued a challenge to do a picture wearing a pink wig. Mum finally got it worked out and here I am. Being rather dramatic with my wig covering my one eye. Mum remembers a comic character from when she was a little wafer of a girl who always had her hair over one eye. She thinks it might have one of the girls in the Archie comics, Veronica or Betty? Anyway, that doesn't really matter.
I much prefer the way I look on the top picture, just me, where you can see both eyes!
Mum and I had a quiet weekend. She just did the stuff around the house, she even took a nap yesterday. It was a good day for a bean nap, cloudy, rainy day, not much to do. She even slept in a bit on Sunday AM, which was furry good. That put her in a good mood for the day. I got lots of cuddles and such. But when I wandered off to take a nap, she just let me be.
Some weeks ago the Cat Realm issued a challenge to do a picture wearing a pink wig. Mum finally got it worked out and here I am. Being rather dramatic with my wig covering my one eye. Mum remembers a comic character from when she was a little wafer of a girl who always had her hair over one eye. She thinks it might have one of the girls in the Archie comics, Veronica or Betty? Anyway, that doesn't really matter.

The Dare
The Cat Realm has dared us to "to make a not-of-my-species-special-friend (nomss friend)"
Well, that is so easy. It is Fiona and Orlando, Fi and Lando to their furiends. They live with Sophia, Diva Kitty and their mum DKM (Diva Kittie Mum).
I like Fi and Lando as they taught me to do the Binky Bop. A binky for those who don't know is when a bun jumps for joy. I have seen the wild buns do them in my yard. To do the dance the Binky Bop is very tiring as you have to jump and do 180 spins in the air. But it is a great aerobic workout for those who need it.
Fiona is also a great philanthropist. She has raised money to help fight AIDS in SF near where she lives. She was honored as one of the top fund raisers. Not bad for a bun!
For those of you who don't know about these buns, go check out their blog, Diva Kittie and the Fluffies.
Well, that is so easy. It is Fiona and Orlando, Fi and Lando to their furiends. They live with Sophia, Diva Kitty and their mum DKM (Diva Kittie Mum).
I like Fi and Lando as they taught me to do the Binky Bop. A binky for those who don't know is when a bun jumps for joy. I have seen the wild buns do them in my yard. To do the dance the Binky Bop is very tiring as you have to jump and do 180 spins in the air. But it is a great aerobic workout for those who need it.
Fiona is also a great philanthropist. She has raised money to help fight AIDS in SF near where she lives. She was honored as one of the top fund raisers. Not bad for a bun!
For those of you who don't know about these buns, go check out their blog, Diva Kittie and the Fluffies.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Fang Shui Friday
Eating from a chipped food dish brings bad luck.
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
This is my food bowl, big, somewhat empty at the moment and NOT chipped. Mum has several bowls like this for me, so she can keep one out for food and send the rest into the hot water washer thingy for dishes.
So if your beans are feeding you from a chipped, cracked or otherwise damaged. Demand a new one!
Flower Friday
This is a picture of a stargazer lily. Mum thinks these are the prettiest flowers, but the picture is from last summer as the plant didn't come back this year. Mum is furry bummed out about that. Plus she didn't see any to buy this summer.
Purrs to our Cat Blogosphere buddies in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Brandi,; Scooby, Shaggy and Scout, they are safe. Lots of healing purrs to all of those hurt or families who lost a loved one.
About mum's company and doing the backpack for the schools. She works for a HUGE company, one of the biggest in the world. So they are always doing things in the community. But they are given lists of what to buy based upon what grade they are in. They are specifically asked not to add to the list of special stuff. Like a toy or stuffed animal, because they don't want the kids to get in fights or jealous of each other.
Mum says if you want to do it in your community, ask around and see if a company, or more companies, would sponsor this as a community project. All they gotta do is buy the back packs or book bags. Then find a school or two who can use the help. All of the bags from mum's office go to one inner city school. Plus in a few weeks they have community service day where they actually go to the schools to help out with projects at the school. Cleaning, painting, helping get things ready for the new school year.
Have a good weekend everyone!
From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.
So if your beans are feeding you from a chipped, cracked or otherwise damaged. Demand a new one!
Flower Friday

Purrs to our Cat Blogosphere buddies in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Brandi,; Scooby, Shaggy and Scout, they are safe. Lots of healing purrs to all of those hurt or families who lost a loved one.
About mum's company and doing the backpack for the schools. She works for a HUGE company, one of the biggest in the world. So they are always doing things in the community. But they are given lists of what to buy based upon what grade they are in. They are specifically asked not to add to the list of special stuff. Like a toy or stuffed animal, because they don't want the kids to get in fights or jealous of each other.
Mum says if you want to do it in your community, ask around and see if a company, or more companies, would sponsor this as a community project. All they gotta do is buy the back packs or book bags. Then find a school or two who can use the help. All of the bags from mum's office go to one inner city school. Plus in a few weeks they have community service day where they actually go to the schools to help out with projects at the school. Cleaning, painting, helping get things ready for the new school year.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
School Shopping
Mum went out shopping tonight and didn't buy anything for me. I did get to mess with the bags for a bit.
Mum had two bags she brought home from work and lists of stuff that was supposed to go into each bag.
Look at all of this stuff. The only thing I liked was the red pen that was in the pile. I swiped it and went to hide it in my tent, but mum came and took it back.
She said this was a project they do every year at work. The head work beans buy lots of backpacks for kids who can't afford them. The people like mum get to go shopping to buy school supplies for the kids. They have a list to follow so that the kids have what the school says they need.
Mum says it is fun to shop for this stuff, without actually having to go to school anymore. So now she can take the backpacks filled with the stuff that mum bought. Hope these kids learn lots this new year. Like how nice kitties are! Maybe draw pictures of kitties a school.
It has been furry hot here the past few days. No open windows here and whenever mum opens the door you can feel the heat. But mum works outside in the yard even in the heat. Not doing a lot, but pulling a few weeds, filling the birdie feeders and cleaning the birdie baths. I am glad we have A/C to keep me cool!
It has been furry hot here the past few days. No open windows here and whenever mum opens the door you can feel the heat. But mum works outside in the yard even in the heat. Not doing a lot, but pulling a few weeds, filling the birdie feeders and cleaning the birdie baths. I am glad we have A/C to keep me cool!
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