Eric and Flynn were so kind to give me this award.

The Lemonade Award is given to sites which the giver show either great attitude and or gratitude.
The rules for these awards are:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate 10 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Goodness, 10 more blogs! I had to think on this on who I should pass this along to, you have to have either/or attitude or gratitude. I know I have attitude so I am picking other kitties who show an attitude too, either good or bad!
Max, The PychokittyLuxorBeauBeau and AngieDarling MillieSophia, Diva KittieMokiAdanThe Cat RealmParkerThe Adventures of Zevo Calamari & BooThe kittie mat that mum bought last week with the character writing. This is what Adan and his bean michico said about it.
"I think that is very beautiful, I check the Chinese words on it. It should be the artist's pseudonym. And the red one is the artist's signet. Because Chinese's artiest who does the traditional Chinese painting always like gived themselves a long pseudonym, means they are very classic~!!! And it does a very beautiful works~!!!! "So now we know, it is just the artists name and his signet or sign. Furry cool! You can biggify the picture to get a better look.
I lucked out yesterday, mum didn't go into work because we had lots of white stuff . She sort of worked on her work 'puter, but probably spent the most time messing about with the snow.

Looking across the street when she finished clearing the drive for the second time. She ended up doing it three times since the plow hadn't been by yet, but some neighbors helped her with that with their big snow eating machines. She was very thankful for the help, she doesn't even want to guess how many tons of snow she moved around yesterday!

Looking back at the house, all cleaned even with the roof raked already!

Looking out the back, big snow pile from the roof and the patio. Mum had to wade through the snow to get the birdie feeders all filled up. They were completely empty the little fevvers were furry hungary.

This appeared out of the dungeon last night too. No lights or anything else yet. Plus mum wanted to work on making more peanut brittle yesterday, but with all of the snow clearing she didn't do any so must work on that today. She needs more to take in for work this week. I will nap and maybe the decorations for the tree with show up so I can whap them around.
Mum went out this morning to the food store for the weekly shopping, roads are not bad, the store was crazy even early when it is usually not crazy.