I would purrsonally come around to thank each and every one of you, but I have to stay home and purr for Grampie. He is in the hospital and his heart isn't working as well as it should. Can you purr for him too?
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Purr Pile Needed
Hi Ducky here. Thank you all so much for the purrthday wishes, we did have fun didn't we.
I would purrsonally come around to thank each and every one of you, but I have to stay home and purr for Grampie. He is in the hospital and his heart isn't working as well as it should. Can you purr for him too?
The lady even stayed home to work so she is closer to the hospital. I helped her keeping track of her pen.
I would purrsonally come around to thank each and every one of you, but I have to stay home and purr for Grampie. He is in the hospital and his heart isn't working as well as it should. Can you purr for him too?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Mini-ManCat Monday-Purrthday Edition
Buy a "cat toy" and it'll be surveyed with complete indifference. However an expensive scarf... naturally, it's cat toy heaven! - Author Unknown
Hi Ducky here. Wow, I can't believe all of this stuff! I have been to a couple of parties in the CB since I arrived, but look at all of what the lady had done for me. Just to have my furiends stop over for my purrthday.
Today I am 2 years old, that is what the lady says the shelter guessed I was borned around this day and lets just go with it.

So dive in every one, guess you can have your favorite beverage, age appropriate, niptini's, meowgarita's, blue tuna gizzy, champagne. Milk and tuna juice for the younger group.
Lots of foods on the buffet table to snack on too. Ham, chick-hen, real live dead shrimps. Little nip cakes to finish off your meal. Have fun everyone!
Today I am 2 years old, that is what the lady says the shelter guessed I was borned around this day and lets just go with it.

Lots of foods on the buffet table to snack on too. Ham, chick-hen, real live dead shrimps. Little nip cakes to finish off your meal. Have fun everyone!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Sleepy Caturday
Hi Ducky here. The big kittie hasn't let me have much to say the past week or so. You gotta learn to share Derby, yes you do.
Mum continues to be bizzy packing up Grampie's stuff. He sure has a lot of stuff, stuff that the lady will have to sort through, keep the good stuff and get rid of the other stuff. The lady says there is a lot of stuff she has already tossed out and didn't even bring home! She says Uncle Flip will be here on Wednesday night, I get to meet more of the family!
Our newsy paper had a story on Oscar the Bionic Cat. How cool of them to give him back legs that are like a real kittie legs.
The lady wented to a party last night, but didn't stay late, too tired she said but she had sent in her green papers, so she went. It was a reunion she says. A whole bunch of people got together that used to work at what was a neat local company. Then they got bought out by the big mega company and things changed. People came from far away and she saw people that she hasn't seen in 10 years!
They partied down by a big thing of water that the lady calls Loch Mich! She said in the middle of the party lots of sirens wented off and the fire trucks and police showed up. It had nothing to do with their party, somebody had found a dead body floating in the lake by the breakwater. Ewwwww! This follows another fatal accident nearby the day before, so the lady said the sirens made her all sad that people was hurt and deaded. Plus she was going to park her metal monster in that spot for the party. Instead she took a shuttle since their was a even bigger party just to the south called Summerfest, or what mum says is bummerfest. Too many drunks and icky crowds for her.
Enough of sad stuff, on to happier stuff. Stop by on Monday. It's my purrthday and mum said I can host a buffet and drinks for anyone who wants to stop by. See you then.
Mum says we all need a nap, especially her.
Mum continues to be bizzy packing up Grampie's stuff. He sure has a lot of stuff, stuff that the lady will have to sort through, keep the good stuff and get rid of the other stuff. The lady says there is a lot of stuff she has already tossed out and didn't even bring home! She says Uncle Flip will be here on Wednesday night, I get to meet more of the family!
Our newsy paper had a story on Oscar the Bionic Cat. How cool of them to give him back legs that are like a real kittie legs.
They partied down by a big thing of water that the lady calls Loch Mich! She said in the middle of the party lots of sirens wented off and the fire trucks and police showed up. It had nothing to do with their party, somebody had found a dead body floating in the lake by the breakwater. Ewwwww! This follows another fatal accident nearby the day before, so the lady said the sirens made her all sad that people was hurt and deaded. Plus she was going to park her metal monster in that spot for the party. Instead she took a shuttle since their was a even bigger party just to the south called Summerfest, or what mum says is bummerfest. Too many drunks and icky crowds for her.
Enough of sad stuff, on to happier stuff. Stop by on Monday. It's my purrthday and mum said I can host a buffet and drinks for anyone who wants to stop by. See you then.
Mum says we all need a nap, especially her.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Stormy Weather
We had lots and lots of boomers and storms for the past few days. Even a few tornados but not near our house. Close as they got was maybe 20-25 miles away. Lots of purrs to those who had damage to their homes. Mum was happy it stayed away, then she didn't have to round us up into the PTU's and go to the dungeon to be safe.
So we are all tired. The weather warning radio wakes us all up, but then we can be safe if we need to get to a safe place.
Thank you for your comments on my mouse hunting skills. I have caught them myself when they slip past mum's collection of traps. But hey, I can be of service and bring them up to mum when they get caught. I don't eat them, yeck! Mum put it outside in the metal monster room still in the trap. Then the next morning, knowing it was really deaded, she released it and put it into the flower bed in front. Says it can fertilze the ground.
I will see if I can get Ducky trained, it may take a while. Mum reminds me that when I first got here I was more likely to play with the real live mousies than to deaded them.
This is a picture of a stained glass thing that was part of a recent art show at her library, it was the only work of art that had a cat in it.
Mum is starting to bring boxes of stuff from Grampie's old place. Mum says it was boxes of knicknacks and music CD's and cassettes. She took tonight off from that, says Uncle Flip may be here soon to help with the furniture.
So we are all tired. The weather warning radio wakes us all up, but then we can be safe if we need to get to a safe place.
Mum is starting to bring boxes of stuff from Grampie's old place. Mum says it was boxes of knicknacks and music CD's and cassettes. She took tonight off from that, says Uncle Flip may be here soon to help with the furniture.
Monday, June 21, 2010
ManCat Monday
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. - George Eliot
Oh yeah? We ask questions all the time, we think some of the stuff you do is absolutely stupid. We tell you that all the time, you just don't understand!
Ducky needs his ears and brain to be cleaned out regularly. He is such a goof ball, snoozing on the job here. Part of what I have alway done is to be the protector of mum. I patrol the house and make sure nothing bad is coming in that I can take care of.
These are a few of the things that Ducky thinks are mousies. They are not real mousies, they are play mousies. Fun to chase around and pounce on for practice.
Caturday night, mum came home from eating with Miss Lynn. She was sitting and hemming a pair of trousers for Grampie. Ducky and I were chilling on the couch with her. But I heard a faint sound from the dungeon and took off. Ducky did not follow, he has no awareness that he was supposed to be on immediate alert and be on duty.
A short while later I came up from the dungeon with this. A real mousie that I had made sure ran into one of mum's traps. Once it did I brought it upstairs for mum. Ducky didn't even want to know what it was or take a look at it.
What is the younger generation coming to? Sheesh, ya gotta be able to get a mouse now and then. Biggify if you need to.

You can just see the tail on this picture.
Oh yeah? We ask questions all the time, we think some of the stuff you do is absolutely stupid. We tell you that all the time, you just don't understand!
Caturday night, mum came home from eating with Miss Lynn. She was sitting and hemming a pair of trousers for Grampie. Ducky and I were chilling on the couch with her. But I heard a faint sound from the dungeon and took off. Ducky did not follow, he has no awareness that he was supposed to be on immediate alert and be on duty.
A short while later I came up from the dungeon with this. A real mousie that I had made sure ran into one of mum's traps. Once it did I brought it upstairs for mum. Ducky didn't even want to know what it was or take a look at it.
What is the younger generation coming to? Sheesh, ya gotta be able to get a mouse now and then. Biggify if you need to.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Where's The Water?
Mum was out the other night, to take some video of our waterfall. One side the water leaks through, the other side is the purrty spot with the waterfall. But the pretty side is gone! No more water! The little pond behind it is gone too.
Mum says they have to inspect the DA... well that is one the bad word list, well inspect the thingy this summer to make sure everything is OK. Then the water will be back. Mum will have to back and get some movie pictures once it is pretty again.
The hots are here, we will be napping. Have a wonderful weekend. Happy Dad's Day to all of the dads out there.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We saw a post on Alfie and Milo's blog with a pretty rainbow. It reminded mum that she had a video that she made last year.
We hadded lots of rain today but no sun to make rainbows for us today.
Monday, June 14, 2010
ManCat Monday
Confront a child, a puppy, and a kitten with sudden danger; the child will turn instinctively for assistance, the puppy will grovel in abject submission, the kitten will brace its tiny body for a frantic resistance. - Saki
First, Happy Flag Day to our US based buddies. Mum better remember to put the flag out today.
Mum has to go back to day hunting today. She kept running around all the past days for Grampie. He is OK but is now living in a spot where he gets more attention. Mum says it is assisted living versus indpendent living. But furniture moving has to wait until his room is ready, it needs to be painted (painter did not show up on Friday), then the floor and carpet have to be done. Then packing up the rest of his stuff. She is tired just thinking about it.
So Ducky and I had a quiet weekend, lots of napping time. We did see the hummer bird outside the windows on Caturday too. Mum was around long enough to use the grass eating Monster and such on Caturday too. Plus she watched the football/soccer match between USA and England.
Mum got some video of Ducky eating popcorn. Strange cat that one. Plus one night both he and mum were having a hard time to keep their eyes open.
First, Happy Flag Day to our US based buddies. Mum better remember to put the flag out today.

So Ducky and I had a quiet weekend, lots of napping time. We did see the hummer bird outside the windows on Caturday too. Mum was around long enough to use the grass eating Monster and such on Caturday too. Plus she watched the football/soccer match between USA and England.
Mum got some video of Ducky eating popcorn. Strange cat that one. Plus one night both he and mum were having a hard time to keep their eyes open.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hi Ducky here! Hope all of you have had a great week. They lady is still all tuckered out. Too much stuff going on with Grampie, possibly needing to move furniture and stuff. Her time off from day hunting and she didn't get any of her stuff done. Oh well, she said.
I was in the sleepy room window and saw a little furry furiend with frootbat ears that isn't a kittie.
Its a baby bun, munching on the grass outside one evening.
Then one morning this past week I was very intently staring out the big windows that go to the floor. The lady came over to watch with me, and out of the hole by the patio popped up a baby chippymunk.
Yes, one baby chippermunk.
Wait, I see another furry nose coming up!
Yep, two chippermunks.
Nope, wait, now there are three of them! Mum was calling them, Curly, Moe and Larry; then Larry, Daryl and Daryl; then Winkin', Blinkin' and Nod. Hi guys, welcome to the neighborhood.
We hopes you all have a wonderful weekend. The lady says the hots will be here for a few days, rain too. Good napping weather, maybe the lady will get a nap this weekend.
I was in the sleepy room window and saw a little furry furiend with frootbat ears that isn't a kittie.
We hopes you all have a wonderful weekend. The lady says the hots will be here for a few days, rain too. Good napping weather, maybe the lady will get a nap this weekend.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuckered Out
We are all tuckered out, including mum. She spent a lot of time today chasing around for Grampie. She is furry tired tonight. She had the day off from day hunting and we thought she would be home to snuggle with us, but no, it was a Grampie day today.
So I taking a long nap behind mum as she sends emails to the family. She also has an adult beverage.
Ducky is chilling in the window too. Just feeling mum's tiredness.
Another picture of us on top of the big cold box. Ducky was upset as the picture the other day had him all out of focus.
Guess we will watch the end of the hockey game, there are into OT.
Guess we will watch the end of the hockey game, there are into OT.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Mini ManCat Monday
Purring is an automatic safety valve device for dealing with happiness overflow. - Anonymous
That would be me, I purr lots and the lady just loves it. I am happy, this is a nice place to live, lots of foods, toys, cuddles, treats, and all the stuff we kitties need and want.
The lady pulled out this little kittie stand, I like to crawl through the little tunnel. I fit through here just fine. Derby doesn't do much with this.
The lady likes it if we are up on top of the big cold box when she is trying to cook dinner in the house or trying to eat, specially if Grampie is here. We prefer to be down by them looking for foods we can mooch.
The weather got really cool on Sunday, so once the lady got home from playing in traffic she opened up the windows. Then she got the washy machine running so we will have a nice clean bed to sleep on.
That would be me, I purr lots and the lady just loves it. I am happy, this is a nice place to live, lots of foods, toys, cuddles, treats, and all the stuff we kitties need and want.
The lady pulled out this little kittie stand, I like to crawl through the little tunnel. I fit through here just fine. Derby doesn't do much with this.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Caturday Evening
She was hoping to sleep in today but we woke her up about 5:30 AM so she could play with us. So now she is tired tonight, so maybe she will go to bed early so we can snuggle some more.
Racing Sausages are a fixture at our local baseball park. There are five of them but the purrade only had two, The Italian and The Polish. At the ball park they have a race every game to keep kids of all ages entertained.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
More of This and That
It has been a strange week. Mum has been gone a lot in the evenings with Grampie for various reasons. Including going to the first concert in the park.
Mum said they sang everything from rock and roll, to blues to barbershop harmonee.
The purrade on Monday was OK, mum said nothing super special or different, mostly the same groups.
Our newest police officer, riding in the back, Parker, our own special woofie officer. Some local businesses got together to help make it happen. Getting the dog, the training, the special car AND the local pet store will provide the food. Parker has already been hard at work on the job.
Us sharing the top of the big cold box, Ducky can fit between the top of the box and the bottom of the cupboard.
Have a great weekend one and all.
The purrade on Monday was OK, mum said nothing super special or different, mostly the same groups.
Have a great weekend one and all.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Rooster Shots
Hope everyone had a great weekend hanging out with their families and remembering all those who have served our wonderful country.
hehehe, the big guy is in the carrier, bye, bye Derby!
The big thing that happened over the weekend is that mum took me to the VET for my annual checkup.
I sang to her all the way there and you can see me all safely buckled in the seat.
Lately when I go to the vet or get to the vet, I become a very unhappy kittie. I growl and hiss all the time I am there. I had the first appointment of the day, no other kitties or woofies were there, but I still hissed and growled. They got me in the room and was gently tipped out of my carrier. I got my rooster shot but that was about it. I started fighting and getting ready to bite anybody. So Dr. M said he would skip the rest of the exam so no one would get hurt. I really showed them my CATITUDE!
The one thing mum wanted was to get my weight so they weighed the empty carrier on the woofie scale, then I very calmly walked back into the carrier and then they weighed the carrier with me in it. I am 15.5 pounds about what I was last year. Good fighting weight.
So we were done, mum paid the bill and took me back outside. Here you can see the outside of the clinic. Little, but good care, even if I am not happy when I am there.
So on the way home I sang to mum all the way back. Once we got home she let me out right away and I wandered off to have a long nap. I did get extra treats and all once I got home too.
He has been a crabilated, hissy cat since Caturday. Shessh, I have been there too, I didn't think it was that bad. He even hissed at the lady last night as she was sleeping. He was on the bed, she moved, he hissed. Get over it!
The big thing that happened over the weekend is that mum took me to the VET for my annual checkup.
I sang to her all the way there and you can see me all safely buckled in the seat.
The one thing mum wanted was to get my weight so they weighed the empty carrier on the woofie scale, then I very calmly walked back into the carrier and then they weighed the carrier with me in it. I am 15.5 pounds about what I was last year. Good fighting weight.
So we were done, mum paid the bill and took me back outside. Here you can see the outside of the clinic. Little, but good care, even if I am not happy when I am there.
He has been a crabilated, hissy cat since Caturday. Shessh, I have been there too, I didn't think it was that bad. He even hissed at the lady last night as she was sleeping. He was on the bed, she moved, he hissed. Get over it!
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