Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We saw a post on Alfie and Milo's blog with a pretty rainbow. It reminded mum that she had a video that she made last year.

We hadded lots of rain today but no sun to make rainbows for us today.


  1. WHat pretty rainbows you two have!!!

  2. That's a very nice rainbow! The video made Mommy a little nostalgic for the midwest.

  3. That is a very pretty rainbow. I wish we would get some rain.

  4. Wow, Derby, the moment my sis Olivia heard your voice, she went all cuckoo! I think she has a crush on you!

    (Oh, and my mom always tells us when there's a rainbow, too!)

  5. I like it best when there are rainbows, but I guess you can't have them every day.

  6. Rainbows and Derby=a great video!!...kisses handsome boys...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  7. Oh it's lovely! How clever of yoor mom to make a video so we can see it all. I'll hafta tell our mom to do that next time.

  8. Such a lovely rainbow! They are rare here--or it's rare that we see them, is more accurate. Our human always thinks it's special when she does!

  9. We love rainbows. They remind us of our siblings and friends who have gone to the bridge.

  10. Our crazy mama always runs outside to look at rainbows, too. We loved the part where you were yelling at her!

  11. Rainbows ... a sign of good fortune. A pot o' gold would be nice too.

    You have a nice mancat voice, Derby.

  12. The rainbow was pretty. Were you asking to go out for a better look?

  13. Did yaor the Bein get to the end of that rsainbow? Were there pots of kitty treats?

  14. i has never seed a rainbow... i wish i could sees one like this.

  15. Hi we comes over from Calypso and Zazou. (We notices you on their list.) We thought we would come by and sais hello. We follows you now!

    When you first started recording it looked like a double rainbow! Great vid.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.