Monday, February 6, 2017

ManCat Monday

If a cat does something, we call it instinct; if we do the same thing, for the same reason, we call it intelligence. - Will Cuppy

Intelligence? Yeah I think we cats have it. That is why we have you wrapped around our paws. Our humans wait on us for what we need. You humans are the ones that go off to day hunt and such, working so hard and complaining. Well, at least mum isn't off to day hunt anymore, she is much happier staying home with me.
We had a nice sunny day on Sunday so I took advantage of it by spending it in the front window in the morning.
Then in the afternoon as me and mum were sitting in the back watching outside. We noticed the sun has come back so that it was hitting the edge of the windows! That means I can soon be napping in the back in the sun.
Me and mum didn't watch the Stouper Bowl. She did record it to watch the commercials later. Otherwise we watched Victoria and other stuff on PBS. Plus used the time to mooch lots of treats off of mum.


  1. You got more sun puddles than I did today, Ducky!

  2. You look like you are really enjoying those sun puddles!

  3. Love that yawn - after a long day of napping in the warmth!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Sounds like you had a good day by NOT watching the Stupid Bowl. We stayed up and watched Victoria with Mom and Dad and today, we have a bit of sun. Like you, dearest Ducky, we are looking forward to sleeping in the sun again!

  5. We had some sun today which was really nice to nap in.

  6. We wrangled Mom to the couch to watch TV yesterday but she fell asleep on contact. That was OK--it was only Mystery Science Theater 3000.

  7. We didn't watch it either. We don't have teebee service no more since the Human told Comcast to . . . well, she can't let me say what she told them on a family-friendly blog. But she did go online to find the halftime show. She thinks Lady Gaga must not have acrophobia. The Human gotted vertigo just watching her!

  8. You are most definitely an intelligent kitty Ducky! Sun puddles and extra treats...well done!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  9. well, OF COURSE cats are brilliant, that's kinda a "no-brainer" Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  10. Here's all I have to ask: Who cleans up whose poop? Q.E.D.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.