Thursday, May 7, 2020

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. Hope all of you are well. We had a beauty-full weekend, nice and warm, sunny. A few cloudy days since but the weather guesser says it is going to be cold this weekend with frostiness.

The two-lips are blooming. We don't have many two-lips these days. Mum says she will buy more bulbs in the fall to plant for next year.
The hostas are coming up really nice as well. Looking good and giving a nice bright green touch to the front of the house. Mum also spied that the lily of the valley plants survived and are coming up.
The maple tree across the street is already getting real leaves on it. Another spot of green.
A corner of the lawn, all freshly mowed on Monday. This was where the snow got all piled up and it looked pretty rough in March. Looks good now.
The brush pile by the metal monster room. All of this and more mum will have to get carried out to near the street for pickup next week. Gotta have it out by Sunday. Mum was inspecting the crabby apple tree and can see some deaded stuff to add. Plus the grape arbor needs serious work.
Plus the lilac bush in front is showing baby flowers. Mum can't wait until they open. She loves the smell of them. AHHH.
Some of our late spring birdies are showing up. Made it here last Caturday. The Baltimore Oriole and the Rose Breasted Grosbeak. Mum actually saw the females first early in the day, then the boys showed up. 

Miss Megan, yes you have Cinco de Mayo (aka Stinky Mayo Day) where you are. It is just the 5th of May in Spanish. Now it gets cellybrated here cuz we are close to Mexico where it commemorates the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867).  It’s a holiday not celebrated much in Mexico though…but here in the U.S., it’s become an excuse for the day to eat Mexican foods and drink lots of marg-a-ritas! Ole!

That is all from the garden this week. Love Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur. 

Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy.


  1. Okay - yes, you're right. We do have cinco de mayo but, of course, we don't have any recognition of it. LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Our brush pile turned into a bee sanctuary...ooh! We wanted to invite native bee, bird, bat species into the yard, just not there! Oh well!

  3. Love that pretty tulip and the birdies too of course!

  4. Well, wouldn't you know it, our spearmint plant and our tomato plants arrived and we are supposed to be colder than you know what this weekend with a chance of snow! Thankfully, they are small, so I can bring them in and put them in my china cabinet (that has a grate on the door that closes so Cody can't get to them) to keep them warm at night.

  5. hay ewe galz it bee grate ta see yur postz again !!! R tulipz dinna due sew good thiz yeer either, onlee four bloomed for sum reezon N we canna even blame de naybor hood hare thiz time....tho de day they waz bare lee ther then yesturday !!!! BLOOM !!!! heerz two a grate week a head :) ☺☺♥♥

  6. #1 was also saying that she needs to put in more tulip bulbs in the autumn!

    We like your birdies!

    Tama and Genji

  7. Those late spring birdies have some beautiful colors!


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