Monday, August 23, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

The mathematical probability of a common cat doing exactly as it pleases is the one scientific absolute in the world. - Lynn M. Osband

Yep, I do as I please, although sometimes mum is not pleased with what I am doing. Ha! So she figures that I care? 

Me and mum had a good weekend. Sunday was nice and I got open windows for most of the day. Mum used the grass eater to even off things, got cleaned up and then chilled on the couch. Watching baseball, racy cars and reading. 


 Making biscuits on mum's belleah, Nice soft and squishy place to put my paws.


Sitting on mum and loving her up Sunday afternoon, who could resits these eyes!

 Going to get hot again, so not likely to have open windows for a while again. Gosh I wish it would get nice for many days of open window time. Mum wishes it would be a bit cooler and less sticky too. 

Happy week everyone.



  1. Right now, we are having the weather you probably would like to have! My human wishes it was warmer. She put the heater on this morning.

  2. oh what a lover you are! It is too hot here for any window whiffing, that's for sure!

  3. lee awesum foto number two iz !!! iz nastee hot heet heer az well and lookz like we iz in for de long haul oh it.....we hope for kewl stuff two.....happee week a head two ewe N mum ☺☺♥3

  4. Glad you had a nice weekend. You are such a cutie.

  5. Oh Ducky, you look so smiling happy dude!

  6. Glad you had a good weekend, Ducky. It’s still hot here and gonna get hotter. No open windows for me. ~Ernie

  7. Some gorgeous pics of you today Ducky. Keep 'em coming.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Ducky, we are hot and humid too, and Sweetie, for one, misses window whiffies.

  9. Aww Ducky you are too gorgeous. Well today, in Scotland, it has been soooooooo hot! After the cooler weather we are warm again and for a week or so more they say!

  10. Ducky that sounds like a great weekend. We watched the racy cars too how exciting it was


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.