Monday, November 11, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday


It is remarkable, in cats, that the outer life they reveal to their masters is one of perpetual boredom. - Robley Wilson, Jr. 

Bored? Maybe, maybe not. I will never tell. 

Thankfully the 'lection stuff is done. No more of the stupid ads, texts, emails. Mum is much less stressed these days not having to hear the constant vote for me stuff.

Doing my usual job of helping mum with her crow-shay and this blankie she says I need to purr on lots to put healing vibes in it. She found out that a friend has a two-more in her head. Oh, mum says that is tumor. She will get it taken out on this coming Friday and find out if it is malignant. Mum wants her to have a special blankie, plus a few hats as she recovers. If you have some purrs to spare, send them on to Chris. 

Also, today is Veterans Day. So thanks to all the guys and gals who help keep our country safe. Mum's money man is a vet. 


 Sports Report

The Pack didn't play this weekend and last weekend they lost to the Mitten Kittens. Next we they play Da Bears!

Crashcar, mum's fav driver won the championship, so concats Joey L. 

Guess that is it from here. Have a good week everyone. 


  1. I hope the tumour is not cancerous and all the healing vibes you put into that blankie helps your mum's friend. I send good thoughts for her.

  2. We know that the special blankie and hats will help your dear friend. We hope the news will be positive.

    The Chans

  3. We love the colors of the blankie and wish your Mom's friend a rapid recovery and no malignancy.

  4. We honor our Veterans.
    Sending purrs to your meowmy's friend.

  5. Purrs (and a little cat drool) Should ALWAYS infuse crow-shay blankies...especially for furrends who need healing...we think yours will be the bestest!
    Keep being awesome! Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Nutmeg and Mom Barb

  6. Fabulous work on the crow-shay Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.