Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Happy Thanksgiving Eve here in the US. I will be spending the day with friends and enjoying a wonderful meal and terrific company. I have my appetizer dip all made and ready to go. 

Also working on making my usual batches of peanut brittle to hand out to friends. This year also making peppermint bark. My kitchen counters are a mess! Oh well, only for a few weeks each year do they look this messy. 

Finished up the outside yard work as well this past week. Now I can relax and read more. I have been slacking off on reading lately and doing other stuff. I also haven't been pounding down the books this year. Will read significantly few books this year and that is by choice. 

Did a trivia night with my library friends this past Monday. Not a good night for us, we barely got half the possible points. We oldies are not up on 90s music and films, high fashion stuff or new age things. 

Bruno's Cookbook this is based on the author's, Martin Walker, description of meals that he has featured in his book series Bruno, Chief of Police. Drooling as you read about the cooking process. However, I don't cook or eat this way, but still yummy to read about. All of the pictures taken by the author and they were not staged by professional photographer like many cookbooks.

Start Here: Instructions for Becoming a Better Cook depends on how much you already know about cooking. I can't think of anything new that I learned.

Behind the Seams a large and heavy book by Dolly Parton looking at her wardrobe. Sequins, rhinestones and all. Lots of insight as to why she dresses as she does and lots of picture. A fun book.

I try to keep those obstacles to a minimum.

Only have to clear snow if it actually snows and keep the bird feeders filled.


Around here the snow removal is very good, so unlikely to be snowed in for days. Could get to the library within a day or two tops.

 Happy Reading.



  1. happee earl lee due knot eat burd day two ewe N mum buddy….N joy yur day, hope mum bringz home sum PIE for ewe N heerz two a grate week a head…de ohio reed bookz level iz grate ‼️πŸ˜ΊπŸ€ŽπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒ

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!
    I have books in my queue; as soon as one is done, I'm onto the next one.

  3. Dolly Parton once remarked "It costs a heap of money to look this cheap."


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