Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Hello and welcome to winter! Past three days have been the coldest in over a year, sub-zero and dangerous wind chills. I've had things to do that were arranged weeks ago, so have been out and about. Good news is that the car starts right up even after sitting outside in the cold. Bad news is that I need to check air in the tires, the sensor went off yesterday.

Our local baseball legend Bob Uecker passed away last week. He was the radio announcer for the Milwaukee Brewers for the past 54 seasons. His wit and wisdom will be missed by fans. He actually lived in the same town I do and probably less than 5 miles away. Although he was in the higher rent district!

The cold weather has meant lots of time to read, at least in between watching lots of football. Lots of football also means crochet time!



Nine Lives and Alibis it is Halloween in Daybreak Island. Complete with having a native islander who is a medium to do readings. People hope the medium can shed some light on two forty year old issues. One murder and one missing person. Unfortunately the medium is killed and the locals have to figure it out.

A Troubling Tail Minnie is on the move with the bookmobile. While on a run she finds out that the local candy shop owner has died in suspicious circumstances. Also one of her patrons faints when she hears the news. Are these events related? Can Minnie help figure out what the connections are? Will Minnie and Rafe get their wedding organized?

That Others May Live an installment of the FBI-K9 Series. A luxury condo building in Washington DC collapses. The building has some important tenants. The K9 teams is brought in to help search for survivors. Question is, did the building collapse due to design error, poor construction or did someone deliberately cause the collapse. Page turner and I had to sneak a peek at the last chapter to make sure about the main characters.

The Air Raid Book Club tells the story of Gertie and her London bookstore over the period of World War II. Characters are Gertie; Hedy, a teenage Jewish refugee plus many other assorted friends. The bookstore becomes an air raid shelter and while they are together they read and discuss books. 

Happy Reading


  1. I like your "meme" for Bob Uecker - "safe at home" that is perfect.

  2. dood, itz crazed cold heer two…we hatez it…de K 9 unit book soundz pawsum 😺😺de gurl haz red lotz of bookz wear her keepz tellin her self….don’t skip ta de last page ‼️‼️‼️‼️but sum timez, like uz catz, curry osss a tee, getz de better ‼️🙀 ewe N mum stayz safe 💚💙🐟

  3. I was very sad ot hear about Bob Uecker. As always, I leave here wishing I didn't have to work so I could spend more time reading.

  4. A sneak peek at the last chapter??? I dunno about that - seems like cheating to me! LOL

    Sydney, Australia

  5. My dad says he loves the morning reading habit one the best as that's pretty much his way. He's currently flying through "A Keeper" by Graham Norton and says it's fantastic. We've had the freezies here for some time, too, and I heard dad tell mom this morning that it's a heatwave outside (if 32 degrees is a heatwave).


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