Monday, January 20, 2025

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Cats were put into the world to disprove the dogma that all things were created to serve man.- Paul Gray 

DOGMA! No way, I don't do DOG anything!

Me and mum discovered a cam from the frozen north that shows a kitty condo for some feral cats. If you want to watch, go here. Nice set up for these kits, they get foods, water and a warm place to hang. 

We got lots of cold here too, but mum has to go out for stuff she arranged afore she knew is was going to be so cold! Lunch with Aunty Kellie on Monday and then another friend on Tuesay. 

Sitting by mum yesterday, she was getting all settled in to crow-shay and watch feetsball. I am going to sit on you while you crow-shay, I deserve your lap!

Feetsball Report

Our team is out of the playoffs but mum is still watching. 

Caturday games, the KC gang did good and sent the Texas guys home for the season. Then later in the day the Lion kits played and it wasn't a good outcome for them. This was mum's hope for a win in the Stouper Bowl. 

Sunday the flying Eagles moved on after beating the LA team. This was a fun game as it played in the snow, like being in a snow globe. They will play the Commander guys. Later the Buffalo team won over the birds from Baltimore. They had a bit of snow too but not as much. 

More games next Sunday. 

Stay warm everyone and have a good week.


  1. Love that web cam. I have saved it in my bookmarks.

  2. This weather is exactly why Henry is inside now; The Hubby and I just couldn't face another Michigan winter with an outside-only cat.

  3. Thank you for telling us about that cool WebCam. Another one to add to our list of cams we follow. Your mom is very brave to get out in this nasty, bitter cold weather. You will be busy laying on her lap when she gets back to warm her back up again.

  4. I, too, was hoping the Lions would get to the Stouper Bowl. Drats!

  5. It's good that you insisted that your mum let you sit on her lap. If she's gonna make a habit of lunching out with friends, then she's got to find ways to make it up to you.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. The cold is hanging on here, too.

    It's not fun when your team is out, but in some ways, if you simply like watching the games, it is.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.