Monday, December 10, 2018

ManCat Monday

A cat is a lion in a jungle of small bushes. - Indian Proverb

Well right now my bushes is one little Christmouse tree! Mum no longer tries to keep inside plants going like she used to. So no places for me to hide to pounce on her.

We had a pretty nice weekend. While it was cold, it was sunny. Mum sat in the kitchen on Caturday in the bright sunshine working on the Christmouse cards. It was such that she actually felt hot from sitting in the sun.

Speaking of Christmouse cards, yep, I got on mum's case and she got them done. She will drop them at the mail station today when she goes out to get her stuff done.
Me, I am in one of my favorite winter spots. On the hammick with the heaty vent blowing under me. I loves it here. One other place I like is to get under the covers with mum at night. I keep her warm and I stay warm too.

Feetsball Report

Goodness, what a difference a week and a new coach make! The Pack actually looked liked a good team yesterday. Mum cheered a few times, she was happy. Plus some of the points were scored by the D-fence, the first ones this year. normally they get more of these.

Everyone have a good week. Those of you in the south with lots of snow, be safe. Us north cats know how to deal with this stuff, so take it easy. It will melt!


  1. Excellent snoopervision on those cards, Ducky. I'm sure your mum is glad that she got them done.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That hammock by the heater vent looks awesome for winter!

  3. Very cold, but very sunny here too!

  4. That looks like the best spot in winter ! Purrs

  5. You look nice and comfy in your prime heaty spot.

  6. Ducky, our old bro Eddie LOVED to snuggle under the covers with Mom. Some days she just made the bed with him still in it!


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