Thursday, December 6, 2018

Throw Back Thursday

We actually got to see some sunshine yesterday. It was so nice and mum even had to wear her shades when she went out to run her errands. 

Mum has also finally started on her Christmouse cards. She printed out the labels and stuck them on the envelopes. She did this while she was watching the funeral on the moving picture box. 

Unlike our Throw Back post, we don't have snow on the ground. A few little white patches, but that is it. Plus the weather guessers say we are going to get more sunshine and a bit warmer temps.

Going back to 2008 with Derby. 

December 6, 2008


This is what it looks like outside our house in the back. A week ago you could see the grass, now it is all white. We have had snow three times this week and more to come this next week. Mum is hoping this won't be like last winter!
Mum left one of her wind chimes outside. It got wet and all icy so she brought it in to melt off.
She just left it in the sink to drip off, that wet clear stuff was cold on my tongue.
Mum has started to get the Christmouse stuff out. That means the little white people have made their appearance. Mum keeps at least a few out as long as we have snow on the ground. Mum says she hopes she can put them away early this year.
No tree yet, mum says that will wait for a week or so. She doesn't want me to chew on the light cords! So I guess I will nap for now.


  1. It seems like your winter this year is not as white as 2008 - at least at the moment!

  2. Derby was an excellent napper. Just look at that position he's in!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. I want to have wind chimes, but I wonder if the sound will drive me, er...crazier!

  4. It is nice to see Derby in the flashbacks.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. We bet you're not a cord chewer, Ducky. At least, we hope Derby didn't teach you that!

  7. We don’t have any snow on the ground here either...and we hope it stays that way.

  8. Great seeing Derby in this flashback! We still have big mounds of snow made by the plows from our blizzard last week.

  9. What a sweet flashback. We're supposed to get a mess of precipitation here in the Triangle area. Gonna be a mess, dad's spouting.


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