Monday, October 8, 2007

ManCat Monday

No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. Leo Dworken That is why mum keeps a throw on the couch. Then she can wash it and has two, one on the couch, one being washed. Less fur to remove from the couch, but my furs will forever be in this house, even after we leave. If we ever leave.

Plus the
bad news from Wiskerconsin on the shooting is no where near where any of us Whiskerconsin blogging cats live. It is over 200 miles away from where most of us are in the south part of the state. This happened "UP NORTH". Lots of purrs to the families and the whole community that is affected by this tragic happening. I didn't even know about it until the afternoon. Fat Eric wanted to know if I was OK as it made the news in the UK, even the BBC website had the story. Yep, I am OK, but sad.

Another warm day, so warm that mum turned on the AC. In a few days this warmth will be gone and it will be snuggle weather. Mum got out some of her warmer clothes and put away her sandals.

Mum finished reading the big orange book on Saturday night. Now she can go back to the other book she was reading. Not as long, but a history book and slower reading and half as long. No reading on Sunday, other than the newsy paper. She updated my links and other stuff on the blog, watched CrashCar and then the Packer's played in the evening.

Hope everyone has a good week!


  1. My Lady has a throw on the couch, too. It is very necessary. She also has lint rollers in every room of the house, in her car, and in her office at work. Hee hee.

  2. I refuse to allow a throw! Of course, we all sit on the woman and not the sofa!

  3. Gee, that's too bad about that shooting incident. Yikes. I'm glad your safe, too.

    I loved your desktop, picture, by the way.


  4. You look very comfortable on the couch, Derby. Of course, not all cats shed. ;) I do leave oil behind, however, when I'm in need of a bath, plus I like to burrow under things, so we have throws and blankets on the couches.

  5. Derby, we are glad you are OK. Mommy has those sticky rollers everywhere, but I still manage to get my furs where I want!

  6. Mommy pretty much gave up on the cat hair issue years before we came to live wif her. We doesn't shed anywhere near as much as Trixie didded, and even a year after she has gone to the Bridge, there's still Trixie furs in some remote areas of the house - between the rugs and baseboards.

  7. My mom says she wants a shop vac to get our furs off of everything. We have some throws but cat fur gets everywhere anyway.

  8. So glad your okay.You look very cute on the throw :)

  9. Chuckle! Mom and Dad keep towels on their office chairs, but that's less because of fur than because of the occasional hairball. They vacuum up fur, but when all is said and done, between all four of us Ballicai, I think this might be the fuzziest house in Tennessee.

    Rumbly purrs from Brainball!

  10. Mom has all but given up removing our furs. There are just too many of them!

  11. Who says anything about weaving?
    Why in the world would we ever weave?

  12. Have you been reading my liddle mind, Derby?

    Momma keeps Mexican blankets on the chairs. I actually think the furniture looks good with fur on it, but, oh well.....


  13. Oh cool, you have a throw, too, Ours us a big hunninbird ans we like that a lot.

    Skeeter and LC

  14. That saying is so true!

    Glad you're all safe - it's just beginning to be snuggle weather where we are. At least during the night.

  15. Cats furrs make a house a home and lucky too ~The Fluffy Tribe


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