Thursday, August 28, 2008

Photo Shoot Round Three

OK here is a few of lots of pictures that mum has taken recently. You can click on the pictures to biggify them to see the details. Enjoy!

If you are in the US, enjoy our holiday weekend. Mum and I are taking a short break for the holliday.

Butterfly One
Here he is perching on one of the daylillies.
Then he flew over to the the butterfly bush to gets some nectar to eat.
He turned all the way over and is doing a full Monty!
One last picture of butterfly number one.
Bumble bee is cleared for landing on the cone flower.

Hummer pictures

The hummer coming in for a landing to get some yummy eats from the trumpet vine. The hummer is just to the left and above of the central flower cluster.
Stopping to eat.
Flying away.
While the hummer flew away he came back and actually sat still on the flower for a brief moment.
Then off he goes again.
Then he flew over to get a big long drink from the hummer feeder.

This is a young woodpecker coming to visit the suet cake. Mum says we have lots of woodpeckers and she has been going through two suet cakes a month, even in the summer.
Mum isn't sure exactly what this is that is feeding on the butterfly bush. Looks too big to be a bee but it isn't a hummer either.

Butterfly Two
This is a different butterfly from the first. The coloring is different and you can see that a chunk of wing is missing.

If anyone knows exactly what kind of butterflies these are mum would like to know. Also, none of these picutres have been cropped or changed in any way. Some of them might be better if they were cropped, but giving you the full view.


  1. Very pretty!
    I hope you guys have a great weekend!

  2. Swallow Tail Butterflies.......check bottom of page for photo.

    Very impressive shots, love the hummer.

  3. Very nice pictures! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the holiday weekend with your Mum :-)

  4. oh wow! look at those great pictures! those pretty butterflies, bees and birds have certainly found a nice sanctuary in your mommy's yard.


  5. WOWIE! Dose are some WONDERFUL Photos. Sorry we's yellin but dey am so pretty. Yur mom did a great job. Dey's eye candy she says. We am so enveeus of dem hummingbird pictures. Mom can't seem to capture one wif da flashy box. Dose hummingbirds go so fast we can't efun see dem.

  6. Soooooo pretty! And how nice of the flutterby to do a full monty for the camera too!

  7. your Mawmee is an amazing fotografur!!

    nise ta meet you at da purrayer circle!

    Katie Too

  8. Beautiful! I don't know what kind of butter-fwying things they are though.

  9. Derby, those are very pretty pictures that your Mum took. We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

  10. Those are all lovely photos. We have woodpeckers who come to eat from the peanut holders, but we have never seen a real live Hummingbird before. They look very fast.

  11. Dennis thinks Derby is a lucky cat to have so much to watch--very pretty pretty stuff to watch. (Have you ever eaten a Bee? They're very crunchy.

  12. Derbs, those are grate an excitin pictors yur mom took! I gotta get Mom to put out the hummer feeder again!
    Nina an I was watchin a noisy, nosy chirpmunk. She was watchin it an I had to jump up an see. I can't believe I can sit right beside her an not get whapped!

  13. Your mom is a very good photographer. Those pictures are beautiful. The butterfly full monty was very funny.

  14. Cool, we haf the same birds and buggies here. We love watchin them.

  15. Beautiful pictures, Derby! Our hummers are packing their bags and starting to head south.

    Come to our blog, we gave you an award.

    Mindy & Moe

  16. Your mom's so great at these nature photos ... just lovely.

  17. Thanks so much for sending Winton purrs! Mom really appreciates all the support!

    Kodak, Winton, 3 Perf and Blossom

  18. Gorgeous photos! I wonder what that strange bug was, did you ever find out? :) xxx

  19. Hai derby-mommeh wants to ask yoor mommeh question?

    Cud yoo email us at tesla the kitteh AT gmail DOT com?

    We'd preciate its.

  20. Gorgeous pictures!

    Have a nice holiday weekend!

    Luf, Us

  21. Whoa...those are great flower/wildlife shots!

  22. Wow these are some very beautiful photo's we love the trumpet vine and butterfly bush. And the butterflies and hummingbird are adorable.

    We don't know the name of your butterfly, but you can go here to ask


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