Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tails of Cats and Rats

According to ledgend from Madagascar, a cat and a rat lived together in harmony until a famine arrived. When the two sailed away in a yam carved into a boat, the rate began nibbling at the craft, causing it to sink. Both managed to swim to ashore, but the cat vowed vengeance on the foolhardy rate...and it it's been ever since.

Do you believe this story? Interesting, true or not.

The hot and stickies went away for a day, mum has the windows wide open tonight. She says the weather guesses say the hots will be back tomorrow.

Plus, can I get some extra purrs for Grampie. He is a bit poorly and mum had to take him to see the human VET today. Now he has to go see a special guy next week.

Purrr, purrr, purrr, purrrr.


  1. We will purr hard for your Grampie. There have been a couple of sick grandpas lately. We hope this is not a trend... We want them all to be well!

  2. We liked that story. But we think it must have been a very big yam.

    We hope your grampie feels better soon. We'll be purring for him!

  3. Purrrrrrrrs for the grampie. Hope he will be okay!!

    Glad to hear you at least got a brief break in the hots to enjoy, maybe they won't really come back if you're lucky.

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  4. Our Mom loves rats, and always wanted one or two as pets. But our province is kept rat-free and they are not allowed (except in labs).

    We'll be purring for your Grampie.

  5. I hope your grampy is doing better.

  6. We are purring for your grampie.

  7. We nefer see a rat. Just shrews, and voles. But we'll be glad ta blame them too.

  8. Lots of puurrs coming their way for your grampie!

  9. poor Grampie, I'll give a purr for him. hope he gets better...

    nice story too!

  10. I yam impressed by that story!
    HaHaHaHaHa - I crack me up!
    But, I will purr hard for your Grampie!

  11. We are purrraying so hard for your Grampie.
    And we LUFFED that story. Bad rats!!!

  12. I'm purring and praying hard for your Grampie!


  13. Oh we are sending our purrs out to your Grampie and hope he feels better.

    That was a great story - it sounds very likely that it happened that way.

  14. I am sending my best purrs for your grampie!

  15. Puurrrrrrrrr fur yur Grampie.

    Iffen it was me in that story I wudda eaten the rat an' never minded that yam.

  16. We are purring for your Grampie.
    That was a silly rat to gnaw a hole in the boat.

  17. Well, that story 'splains why we don't like rats much!

    We are purring for your grampie! Hope he feels better soon!

  18. All my purrs are coming Grampie's way.

  19. Purrs from us to your Grampie, and for your Mum to not worry!
    Hots here too. Stickies tomorrow, so our AC is fired up in anticipation! and it was so darn cool all summer long. Feast or famine, isn't that the saying?!

  20. We haven't heard that story before, but it is interesting like you said.
    We are sending purrs for your Grampie and family

  21. That is a furry innaresting story! And we are sorry to hear yur Grampie is feelin bad. We Ballicai will purr and purr fur him and hope he is feelin bettur soonies!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  22. Lots of purrs and purrayers for your grampie.

  23. purrs and prayers for the grampie

  24. That is a funny interesting story! And we are sorry to hear your Grampie is feeling bad.

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  25. We are purring for your Grampie.
    That was a silly rat to gnaw a hole in the boat.
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