Thursday, April 15, 2010

Amazing Show

We haded the best little show last night. Just as the lady was getting into her sleeping spot this bright light flew by in the air. No noise like an airplane on fire, no booms with a crash? Want to know what is was done this?


It was caught on video by one of the local tv webcams, it you click the word meteor above it should take you to the video. We didn't know what it was until this morning when the lady turned on the picture box. Immediately by the time mum knew it was the same thing. It just appeared out from behind that big building and went off screen. One of the people that the lady works with saw it too. He was outside and saw a lot more.

Super nice here again today. The lady came home and opened lots of windows for Derby and me. She took a few pictures outside too.
The four-sith-ia is done blooming and just green leaves now, with the hya-cinths still blooming.
The two-lips are opened up in front of the house as well. Lots of pretty colors to look at. Are cats color blind? No not really but red and orange are not colors we kitties see well, so these aren't as pretty to me and Derby as they are to you beans.

Derby was snoopervising the lady as she took pictures. See his mouth open, he was sassing the lady. Well, that is why he is the sassycat!
The lady says she is glad tomorrow is Friday, that means the weekend is here. So Happy Weekend.


  1. Happy Weekend to you too! And a meteor! How exciting. Was it you moving really really fast?

  2. Beautiful nice flower you have there!
    Happy Weekend to you!

  3. We saw that on the news this morning! It was amazing. We are glad to see the weather there is finally good. Our cousin-cat lives nearby and she's fed up with the cold. Happy Friday!

    xx Lounge Kats

  4. Happy weekend from us, too... our human is going to see the Tabby's Place cats tomorrow morning.

    Spring flowers are a pleasure to see, and you have plenty of good ones...

  5. We saw about the meteor on the news and were so mad we missed it! Mom was mad too! The flowers look very pretty, and it is good that Derby was keeping an eye on things!

  6. How cool that you saw a meteor!! And your flowers are very pretty!!

  7. Did it go boom and be scary? - Zazou

  8. We missed it cuz mom din't see da light until it was almost gone...we finally haf flowers blooming here too, some of dem smell really good coming in on da breeze in da open windows.

  9. That meteor was cool!...You guys have some beautiful flowers in your yard, your blooms are so colorful=love the red/orange/yellow tulips together...Derby is doing a good job snoopervising from the window...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  10. We saw the video on the internets tonight--WOW!

    Your flowers are very pretty! Glad you got some window time, too!

    Happy weekend!

  11. Wow, that MEAT E OR was really cool. We nefer seen one before. Did it fall in yer yard?

  12. How exciting!!!

    Your blooms are lovely too!

  13. A meteor is very exciting!

    Those are lovely flowers, so pretty for the humans to look at. :-)

    We wish you all wonderful weekend too!

  14. I'm sure Derby was telling your lady to come in. That's what I do when I sit in the window and watch my Mom outside.


  15. A meteeyore! It good find yoo wasn't sittin dere when it plopped down. We is glad yoo did not get squished!

  16. We're upset that we missed the meteor--we didn't know anything about it until the next day! Pretty flowers you have!

  17. That is very interesting and exciting about the meteor. Your flowers are looking lovely.

  18. Ducky, I hope you were not scared!!

  19. Our mama went "ga-ga" over the picture of the tulips....we want to thank you for making her day. xxxxxxxxx

  20. Mum said there was one here once. She can't remember how long ago but before we were born. It looked exactly like that, like a sun flying through the sky. It did make a noise though like a loud rumbly roar.She said it was scary and like someone turned the lights on.
    The tulips are pretty.

  21. We read about the meteor in the paper and have seen a couple clips of it but what you show is the very best footage we've seen.
    How lucky mum was to get a glimpse of it!!
    Your flowers are SO pretty!!

  22. I wish I would've seen the meteor. How cool is that?

    Have a good weekend and enjoy your mum's lovely garden.

  23. we heard about the alien space ship!!! wow!!!

  24. Hi Guys!
    Thanks for dropping by my new little blog. Mom's not very s-m-a-r-t so I think it'll be awhile before my blog will be cool like yours--oh, who am I kidding? It will never be as cool as yours!

  25. You saw a meteor? How totally cool!!!

    Lovely flowers popping up too. Ours are on their last legs, despite the still warm weather which I am enjoying to the max.


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