Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Weekend

Well we all made it to Friday night. Mum came home from work, changed clothes and went right back outside. She had to drag all of the tree pruning to the street so they will pick it up next week. She says she won't have time to do it the rest of the weekend.

OK we has a question for all of you guys. Mum got two requests for green papers in the mail. One for the ASCPA and one for the SPCA. The first one we know, the second one not so much. Mum likes to help but also wants to make sure she sends her hard earned green papers do the most work. So what do you guys know about the SPCA? Mum has read the website stuff, but has anyone sent them green papers or dealt with them?
More ear washing for Ducky by me, followed by some more wrassling. Have a great weekend all!


  1. It sounds like the SPCA is international where the ASPCA is for care of animals in America. We feel our green papers should help animals in need here. Too much of our government green papers goes international. But that's just our opinion.

    It just tickles us pink to see you two bathing and wrassling with each other.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. hmmmmm. Mommy donates to the ASPCA, she & Daddy are members.

    Derby & Ducky, we're glad you've become friends! Having a buddy is great.

  3. I am so glad to see you together. Having a friend is a wonderful thing!

  4. We agree with Laila and Minchie...Derby and Ducky are looking so sweet together; they are really adorable boys!...Have a fun weekend friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  5. I am not sure, but I think that the SPCA is the international parent organization and that the ASPCA is the American branch. Other countries have other initials in front. England has the RSPCA.

  6. I agree with what Karen Jo said about the various SPCA's in different countries. But some really poor countries in places like Africa can't raise funds from their own population. Mom once made a donation for the animals in Zimbabwe, because the situation was SO awful for pets there when there wasn't even enough food for people to eat. It is hard to know what to do, because animals are in need everywhere.

  7. We donate our hard earned nip money to local organizations so our help goes to local kitties. We also try to see how much of the money and organization gets goes to administration vs. the kitties. The more money that goes to the kitties is what we purr for.

  8. My mom and dad donate to the local shelter where they got us, and the local recovery program for feral kittens (my sister Zazou was a feral kitten, explains a lot...). They apparently have it set up on purpal or something along those lines so the donate a little every month.

    -- Calypso

  9. We like to donate to local shelters and rescue groups too. But we do donate to the ASPCA sometimes too. We're not familiar with the SPCA, but like the others have said, it may be the international parentn of the ASPCA.

  10. I'd go local, if possible, After that, the ASPCA, since they seem to have such a huge reach in the US...

  11. We say go to the most local animal shelter an help THEM! Look at how the treat the animals and decide that way.

    Give locally!

  12. We give locally too ~ cos if efurrybuddy did that, all shelters etc would get funds.

  13. That's showing him who's boss-cat! Clean those ears! Those young ones never clean them properly themselves, either!


    I'd take a good look at both ASPCA and SPCA, just to be sure where the money is going geographically. I know up here in Canada there's been a big to-do in the last couple years as a Montreal SPCA has registered both the names "Canadian SPCA" and "SPCA International" and fundraise under those names nation-wide and online, going so far as to have PO Boxes in each province so it appears to be staying local-ish, while claiming to be clear about the fact that ALL the money was going ONLY to Montreal. (you can read more about it here )

  14. Keep those ears extra clean. It's important. FAZ

  15. Ducky, you are such a cutie! I'm glad you and Derby have become buddies.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.