Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fevver Identification

Remember the fevver box where Grampie lives? Well mum found out what kind of fevvers.
Seems she walked past this, who knows how many times, before she actually noticed it and read it! Duh mum!(Biggify to read it better). Go back here to see close up pictures of the fevvers.
Plus when she was there, she did notice Pudding sitting in front of the fevver box, tail twitching, so he is aware of them. Probably figuring how he can get into that box! Mum didn't take any pictures of this since other beans were there, didn't want to take away their privacy.

Mum is spending way too much time away from home in the evenings. Tonight she said she was off to be bored of the library, so then why did you come home with snacks and an empty wine glass?


  1. I wish we had one of those Birdie Boxes in our house!

  2. That settles it--we're asking for a fevver box for Christmas!

  3. We want a real live fevver box for Christmas too! :-D

  4. Humans can be so difficult sometimes you know? I think it is very cool that they have a feather box--all cats should get one for Christmas!

  5. That is so cool, we could watch those birdies all day!

    Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike

  6. Our Human has had birdies before and there has been talk of getting some but Humom thinks it would be too much temptation. Bah!

  7. We hope Sandy Claws brings us a fevver box for Christmas.
    We got your card today, and the lovely photos. Thank you.


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