Thursday, January 15, 2015

Bedtime Games

Mum and me have started a new fun time at her bedtime. We do two things. First she tosses my fav mousie toy, I chase and pounce on it. Then, at least for a few times, I bring it back to mum and she tosses it again.

Once I quit bringing the mousie back, Mr Red Dot appears. I race around the dark room or even on top of the bed and mum, trying to catch that dot.

Sorry no pics, mum is too bizzy tossing mousies and then it is all dark! Fun times kitties.


  1. That sounds like some fun games, Ducky.

  2. We don't bring toys back to Mom Paula. We expect her to go and get them for us.

  3. It's nice for the two of you to establish some new traditions. Keep it up. Great way for you to get some fun exercise.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Our Mommy always gripes about trying to play with one hand and take pics with the other. We just don't see the problem! MOL!

  5. Both of those games sound like loads of fun, Ducky!

  6. The tossed toys are great. We have never gotten much into the red dot.

  7. wow what a fun bedtime game you have developed. happy weekend.

    Emma and Buster

  8. dood...that does sound like lotz oh fun !! we wood LOVE ta play with de laser lite heer but sum PURRSON never remembers ta replace de batt o ree....HELLO !!

    heerz two a pancake batfish week oh end ♥♥♥

  9. Mousies AND the red dot? That sounds like a blast!

  10. How nice is that? You're one lucky boy, Ducky!

  11. Glad to hear that you & mom are creating a new tradition with bedtime games. Our Cosmo loves to chase the laser light. It's strange how some kitties go crazy when they see the red dot and others act like they can't even see it. We kept burning through batteries too, so mom buys a big pack of them cheap on ebay. No more being disappointed when were all ready to play chase the red dot & can't because the batteries are dead.
    Have a great weekend Ducky & mom too.


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