Monday, February 16, 2015

Mini ManCat Monday

I would like to see anyone, prophet, king or God, convince a thousand cats to do the same thing at the same time. - Neil Gaiman

HiYa, Ducky here. Well, maybe I can ask a thousand cats to wish mum a Happy Purrthday today? Yeah, do you think you could do that? Thanks.

I even have a moovie so you can see what she looks like! I was even help groom her hair so she looks good. 
 This was the moovies mum took on her new fancy phone thingy. The moovie program let her flip the video so you don't have to stand on your heard to view us!

Mum says this day is a hurdle day in her life, she has past the age when the official people could start giving her, her green papers back for working. But she says she will wait a bit, then the pile of green papers will be bigger.

Seems strange, no feetsball now for months and months to come. Mum says that is OK, it will soon be nice and won't have time to watch sports on the moving picture box.

Plus on Caturday it was a nice sunny day and we can tell the days are way longer and the sun has come far enuf north that we see it on the big windows that go to the floor.
 Dats nice but I will just curl up with mum while she reads her big fat book. That means she doesn't move for a long time so I get to be with her.
Lights on, mum pulled the stuff across the big windows to keep the warms in. I was sitting on one of the heaty spots. Derby used to like this one the best so I rarely got to use it. Now I can use any heaty spot in the house I want!


  1. Happy birthday to your human! She is smart to wait before taking that money - it means more for her in the long run!

  2. Youre a good kitty Ducky to help your mom so.

  3. Happy Happy BIRTHDAY to your Mom-person !!


  4. Happy Birthday to your mom! Love how you love being so close to her.

  5. Happy Birthday to your mom. Good she has a Ducky like you...could you please do my hair now :D Pawkisses :) <3

  6. Happiest of Birfday wishes for your mom Ducky. You did a be-ut-t-ful hair styling job & made mom's furs look fabulous for the movie. You looked like the handsome mancat as always.You really seem to be enjoying spending one on one time with mom now that it's your turn at being the king of the castle. I'm sure Derby would not mind you getting warm on his old heaty spot. One of the fringe benefits of being an only-cat is napping where ever you want without being whapped or chased away. Make sure you give mom some extra special birfday cuddles when she gets home from day hunting tonight. Cuddles make a great birfday pressie.

  7. Happy Birthday to your mum Ducky. You are a good boy to snuggle close to her and to help her with her hair.

  8. Oh, Happy Birthday! That was nice of Ducky to style your hair for the occasion. My Mickey Mouser brushes my hair with his claws when I don't get up early enough...

  9. Happy birthday Mum. It was a terrific movie, Ducky. And your career as a hair stylist is bound to take off. Well done Ducky and Mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. Happy Birthday to your Mom Ducky!
    Thanks to you, her hair looks good ;)
    We are also looking forward to summer.
    WE are not fond of the snow and cold.
    Mom is really not fond of it,heehee
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Mom, Ducky! And you look so sweet with her!

    The Chans

  12. Happy Birthday to your mum, Ducky. It looks like you both had a pretty good day. :)

  13. Happy Birthday to your Mom!
    Great video of you and her!

  14. Happy Birthday to you Mum, Ducky!!

    Only a few more weeks and it'll be window whiffy time again...

  15. Happy Birthday to your mom ! Purrs

  16. dood...a happee day oh birth ta yur mum...we hope her haza awesum fun filled day, we hope her getz sum nip, grazz and sum treetz, we hope her sayz...oh, I couldna poss a blee take all theeze gifts, and her RE GIFTS everee thing two ewe !!! heerz ta happee nezz & health for mum in de coming yeer ♥♥♥

  17. a belated happy birthday to the mom.. she's a smart person for working to get a few more of those green papers while she can. My own mom retired about a year ago, and then promptly went right back to work because she was bored.


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