Saturday, May 9, 2015


HiYa, happy Caturday! We are happy the weekend is here. We will have time to cuddle and chill out. Supposed to be a bit rainy now and then.

Our orinch birds showed up yesterday. Mum sat down to look outside and Mr O showed right up. Mum could see a bit of bright orinch behind the leaves on the crabby apple tree. Then he hopped down to the feeder.
Mum also got her big outside chore done on Friday when she came home. Got all the brush out by the street for the pickup.
 Me, I will be mooching treets all weekend! Hope everyone has a grate day.


  1. Treats! Sounds like a great weekend to us. We hopes the sun comes out and gives you some sun puddles too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. Mooching treats - sounds like a great way to spend a Caturday!

  3. Gosh, you're a lucky Ducky! It seems like I might get treats only once or twice a year!

  4. That bird is pretty. We don't get anything like that here. Enjoy your treats.

  5. Mooch on, Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. We rarely see the orioles around here. Those treats must be really good!

  7. oooooh! Mr. O has worked up our appetite for treats, too!

  8. Orange birdies and orange kitties! Kewl!
    A Happy Mother's Day!

  9. Happy Mother's day to your Mama Ducky!
    Marty and the Gang


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.