Saturday, May 30, 2015


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy weekend, but ours is going to be a cool and wet one. It was 80 yesterday and it is now in the 50's. So guess we will be inside today.

Me holding mum down, says she should de-fur the house and that includes ME! Says it is time for a good session with the fuminator! If I don't let her get up, then she can't do that stuff. So, I will be having a sit-a-thon. Wish me luck.

Happy weekend.


  1. Good luck with (non) furminating Ducky. It is cold and rainy here as well.

  2. But I LOVE my Furminator!
    And the sun is shining today, so maybe it will spread your way!

  3. That sounds like the Binga school of protest!

  4. We saw how cool it was in your neck...brrrrrrr! We're in the 100's.

    Stay snuggled and keep your furs ON!

  5. It will be good for both of you to sit quietly and relax, Ducky, so keep her claws latched on to her clothing and don't let her up!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. That's very wise Ducky and I sure hope it works!

  7. A sit-a-thon sounds like a good idea on this cold Sunday!

  8. Enjoy your sit-a-thon Ducky! We bets your mom bean will enjoy it too.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.