Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday This and That

HiYa Ducky here. Another day, no sun. It has been strange around here, not the usual cold and snow, but warmish, but not warm enuf. We has had ice on the streets and stuff. Plus then we have rain and now have puddles in the back yard. Mum forgots to take pictures!
 The other day, when we did have a little bit of sun, mum goofed  and took a flashy picture of me. I sort of got washed out!
Plus mum got some special things to put on her shoes. Now she doesn't have to tie her shoes, she can just slip them on. Says it is good for her wonky fingers. They stay on good too when she is walking.
Mum says we may be sun tomorrow, Yipee.


  1. I don't know, Ducky - that pic of you looks like a selfie to me, and not a bad one at that!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. My human thinks those shoelace replacements are cool looking! I actually love the photo of you, Ducky.

  3. Those shoelace replacements don't look like as much fun for us kitties to chew. Was that the point?

  4. Your whisker pouches are tremendous.

  5. Yeah, we are getting pretty tired of all these grey rainy days too.

  6. That's a great photo, Ducky, and we really like those shoe lace things!

  7. We hope the flash in your face didn't hurt, Ducky. We've had nothing but clouds lately too.

  8. Those laces look like fun. Did you get the old ones to bite on?

  9. Those shoes laces look like fun ! I like to play with them. Purrs, Pixie


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