Thursday, April 13, 2017

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday. Things are getting greener and more flowers!

First mum unhooked the birdy bath from the 'lectric cord. She figures it won't get that cold anymore, but a couple of days we did have a bit of ice that went away quickly. She is thinking she may move it away from the house a bit.
 The crocus flowers have croaked, so we are on to the daffy-dills now. The miniature yellow ones and the regular size white one.

 The four-sith-ia is blooming nicely and mum hung out the hummer feeders. We haven't seen any of the little guys yet, but wanted to get food out in case they are nearby.
Stop by again next week and see what is new in the garden. Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. Love those daffy-dills!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Yay, no snow and lovely flowers ! Happy Spring ! Purrs

  3. hay ewe galz.....we got a big fat mess oh mud N nothin in de gardenz round heer BUT
    de naybor hood harez N chippiez R poized N reddy ta start eatin de stuff once it bloomz ~~~~~~~~~ faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    dood....heerz ta ham & heerz two a happee easturr anda grate week oh end ♥♥

  4. Spring has really sprung at your house, Ducky.

  5. The daffodils are sooo pretty! It is still too cool for the flowers here but mom bean bought some cut ones (daisies not daffodils) for a vase in the house. We kitties are so good because we don't bother them at all.

  6. We can hardly wait until we see more of your spring flowers. We hardly have any here since it's still cold and rainy, but our weekend is supposed to warm up and maybe even be dry! We're hoping our tulips show color by then! Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Hi girls! Your flowers are pretty. Our azaleas are flowering now so the garden is starting to look more colourful.

  8. That garden is sure in full spring bloom! Our trees have all flowered and are now leafing out down here.


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