Monday, April 3, 2017

ManCat Monday

Cleanliness in the cat world is usually a virtue put above godliness. - Carl van Vechten

Happy Monday. Mum says the baseball season starts today. She may watch it on the moving picture box. Thank goodness they have a roof where they play. It is raining!

Mum got lots of stuff done this weekend, some of it outside. The girls have come out of hibernation and Fleur has gone outside to join them.
 You can sort of see me inside watching mum on Caturday as she did a bit of stuff outside. It was nice and bright, so hard to take a good pic.
 As it gets warmer outside the heaty monster in the dungeon runs less. So the ham-mick isn't always warm. So I move to the back of the couch and nap there. I heard the flashy box go! I just suck up her warms.
 Everyone has a good week.


  1. Lovely pics of you keeping your mum company on the sofa there, Ducky. As for cleanliness and godliness, the history of cats as gods means that you've pretty well got the godliness thing covered. It's just the cleaning that seems to take up so much time each and every day.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. That looks like a good spot to hang out, Ducky!

  3. dood....we haz nothin but rain heer late lee...palez N palez oh it......even de fishin wermz R tired oh de waterz......heerz hopin yur week a headz a grate one ~~~~ ♥♥☺☺

  4. That looks like a good spot to snuggle with your mum.

  5. Aww! You are too cute. Great picture! :)

  6. Moms give off much better heat anyway, Ducky!

  7. Cuddles are great Ducky!

    Our mom bean is looking forward to the garden pics. We've no snow but the ground is still frozen will be awhile before we see things growing.

  8. No baseball for our team rained...and there was no roof to protect them.

  9. Don't Humans exist to open cans and provide warms we can suck up? Thanks for the tip on the Ham Ball Thingies ;-)

  10. We watched baseball all afternoon and night yesterday! More is on today and tonight! catchatwithcarenandcody

  11. Sweet picture ! What a great spot to snuggle ! Purrs


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