I'm Purrfect
So says the vet man at the stabby place today. Mum surprized me right after lunch and hauled me off. The ride wasn't bad as I was bathed in bright sunshine for the ride. Plus as soon as we check in they give us a Feliway blankie and get us into the room. So we waited a few minutes, then the tech came in to check on us, then a few minutes later the vet man.
I chose to stay inside my carrier as much as I could. I didn't come out and explore at all. So I stayed in place until they came inside to actually look at me. Mum didn't take any pics during the exam. They weighed me, I am only 2 ounces more than last year, so that is good. I don't over eat and I do give my myself enough exercise to keep in shape.
I also lucked on in that I didn't need to get any shots, me teeths are good, no dental needed. My heart is good and I was gently examined. They don't even do a temperature unless you are sick, so nothing up my spot 13! They also checked to make sure my microchip was still working and where it should be.
Mum did get a bit of video at the stabby place, plus once we got home. I was happy to be home and came right outside of carrier.