Saturday, February 3, 2018


HiYa Ducky here. Hope every one is having a good weekend so far. Ours is nice to start, not much sun and snow probably later.

We had lots of sun the past few days, so I got to soak up sunshine for storage for these days when we won't get as much sun.

I showed mum the other day, she got up from her spot where she was sitting and I moved it. Not only was it sunny, she had it nicely warmed up for me.
Umm, why do you think I have to move to let you sit down. You sit on the other end of the couch, this is my spot now!

Mum has yet to decide if she will watch the Stouper Bowl or not. Yeah there is the commercials, but maybe to record the game and then just watch the commercials. She will figure it out.

Otherwise, have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Gotta get those sun puddles while you can!

  2. Too right Ducky! When you get that warm spot you shouldn't move again for anyone.

  3. I support you Ducky - if your mum gets up from the sofa and leaves her spot warm and vacant, then it automatically becomes yours and she has to find another spot. Them's the rules.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. I love sun puddles, too, Ducky. You are right about the rules. When the Mom gives up her warm spot, it belongs to the kitties and she has to move somewhere else. Our Mom keeps reclaiming her computer chair, though.


  5. I am watching The Kitten Bowl right now - and probably will catch the Puppy Bowl recap later.
    We saw enough of Belichek when he coached The Browns - he was no genius then!

  6. We're glad you could enjoy some sun in a comfy spot ! We're sorry for our lack of comments last week, but Claire had a very busy week, and she finished it with an awful migraine from Friday evening to this morning. Purrs

  7. The warm spot always belongs to the cat, Ducky!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.