Thursday, April 25, 2019

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday. Spring has sprung! With the nice weather the past few days the flowers are flowering. Stuff is starting to grow.
 The bleeding heart and the columbine and the astilbe.
 The hiya-cinths just popped on Sunday. Purple, blue, white and pink.
 Plus the lawn guy came around, did his think so our lawn can be happy.

Plus mum did a work day with the crew at the community garden. The started a couple of new raised beds, plus worked on the old ones.
 Pruned up the trees, taking out some dead stuff and keeping them away from the walkway.
So mum  had a bizzy day and we all are enjoying the better weather.

Have a good week ahead. Love, Virginger, Glimmer, Trooper and Fleur.


  1. It's very very good of your mum to volunteer her time and expertise in the community garden.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I too am reveling in seeing things sprouting from the ground! Now, the trick is...remembering what the heck I planted...

  3. hay ewe gals...afturr waitin 3,409 dayz... we final lee is seein...

    dandee lionz !! :) ♥♥


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