Monday, September 9, 2019

ManCat Monday

If a fish is the movement of water embodied, given shape, then a cat is a diagram and pattern of subtle air. - Doris Lessing

Hope you are enjoying a look back at mum's trip. Letting her take a break today from reliving it all! Giving me a chance to actually blog about stuff.

A few comment answers from the weekend.

Mum was not on a cruise by Viking, they were the boat next to us. Mum was on Grand Circle Cruises.

Miss Megan said I looked paler in my Caturday post. My face, chin and chest are a bit lighter. Plus the countertop in the litter box room is white. My body is pretty much orinch.

Summer, the soup is egg drop. Super easy to make. Sadly she didn't win. There were 10 total entries, all different by design. Mum took a video of all the soups. She tried 4 plus checking her own to make sure it was good.

So they announced the vote totals, if mum counted from the video right there were 10 soups.
Broccoli Cheese - mum didn't try, ick broccoli
Chicken Noodle -  mum thought it was OK.
Lentil Sausage - mum didn't try, ick lentils
Italian Sausage White Bean - mum didn't try, ick beans
Egg Drop -  the best according to mum.
Chili - mum didn't try, mum isn't a chili fan
Tomato -  really good and mum says she wants the recipe.
Chicken Barley  - it had shrooms in it. mum doesn't like shrooms, otherwise OK.
French Onion -  mum says hers is much better
Farmer's Market Beef Veggie - ok, but nothing special

 One soup with 1 vote, 2 soups with 2 votes each, 2 soups with 3 votes each,  4 votes for 4 different soups each and the winner had 5 votes. It was the tomato soup and mum says she liked it and will be getting the recipe. Mum's soup got 4 votes, so she was part of the four way tie for second. But she was happy that she beat a certain person whose soup only got 2 votes. Mum makes better French Onion than what was there.

Mum doesn't amemeber which soups got what votes other than her and the winner. If she gets the info we will let you know.

The prizes. The golden ladle and the super cool cooking apron. 
So the winner was Miss Cindy, the soup steward. Hey wait! Wasn't that cheating? Mum says no cuz you really didn't know who brought what soup. Sometimes you did, like mum told her little group to come over, taste and then vote Egg Drop! Didn't work! MOL!
Mum is starting to think of what she could do for next year.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - they played last Thursday and beat down Da Bears. The two oldest teams in the league starting the 100th NFL season. 


  1. My human loves egg drop soup! Although your human doesn't like it, she also loves broccoli cheese soup. She also loves white beans, chili and especially mushrooms... but she is with your human on lentils.

    Actually my human is a big soup fan. Give her a bowl of soup and some good, crusty bread, and that's a great meal for her!

  2. I think it's great that your mom entered the contest!

  3. That soup does sound really yum and the others don't sound too bad at all!

  4. I love soup and your mum's sounds good. I do like broccoli and Stilton soup too. Tomato is my favourite and I have been making lots for the freezer. If your mum gets the recipe can you ask her to put it on the blog. I have tried several different recipes for my tomatoes and some are better than others.

  5. I bet your soup would have won an award from ME regardless!


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