Thursday, June 17, 2021

Garden Puzzle Thursday

 OK, we had a couple of really nice days. Open windows, nice breezes and not too hot. It is back to being hot today, so mum says no open windows today. 

It was so nice yesterday that after dinner mum went and sat outside on the patio. She took her book along to read and just relaxed. She stayed out until it got all dark and she couldn't see. Too bad she isn't a cat with our eyesight in the dark. 

Mum did use the grass eater this week. Even with the hots the grass in the shade grows so that is what she cut off. Didn't take her long to do just a little bit. 

 Me collecting lots of sun as it comes in the big windows in the back. Hot or not I loves to sit in the sun. 

Mum says our flowers are doing well, even the ones she just put in this year are blooming! Yipee. 

Puzzles are me and a couple of flowers!

preview70pieceSunpuddles preview35piecelily1 preview90piecelily2


  1. Oh Ducky, that picture of you collecting the sun is splendid! This week here isn't too hot, and we've got a wide overhang on all 4 sides of our house, so even though we do get some sun sneaking into some of the windows it stays pretty cool inside. Pretty blossoms, by the way.

  2. You sure look happy Ducky and those flowers sure are pretty!

  3. dood ewe bee lookin most happee handsum and content !!! due ewe noe what de furst flowerz foto iz...we thinks de next two bee tiger lilliez ??!! ☺☺♥♥

  4. Those are some really beautiful flowers Ducky and wow how comfy you look relaxing in the sun. Purrfect

  5. You look very handsome enjoying the sun, Ducky. The flowers are pretty.

  6. You are such a cutie. Thank you for the puzzles.


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