Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Well half of the political world has descended into my area which means lots of time for reading. I don't need to watch political speech drones going on and on about how great they are. The actual action is 15-20 miles away from where I live. My little corner of the world is quiet!

So far this week I have read two books and have five more in the pile I just picked up from the library. I am good to go until next week and the weekend will be racy cars! Coming home overnight to be with Ducky. 

Weather is getting nicer again. Less humid and sunshine. Rain in the last week but the weather guesser is saying dry for the next week. I have to mow the lawn again, at least once a week. Usually by this time of the year you can go two weeks between mowings. I know drought isn't good but sheesh, enough rain. I would like a break from mowing.

The Cracked Spine, Delaney has been downsized from her museum job in Kansas. She sees a job advertised to work in a store that handles books and rare manuscripts. One thing, the job is in Edinburgh, Scotland. A murder occurs and a rare Shakespeare manuscript disappears. Can Delaney and her new friends figure out who done it? This is the first book in a series and it didn't really catch my interest, so I will skip the rest of the series.

Maybe in Another Life is a book I read about 5 years ago and for whatever reason ended back on my reading list. Book is about Hannah returning to her home in LA and goes out with an old friend and also runs into her old boyfriend. The book follows two paths, one she leaves with her friend, the other with the old boyfriend, with different endings.

Summer Reading Samantha and Ben meet on a ferry ride to Martha's Vineyard, both going for the summer. Sam to her family's home to supervise her teenage step-brother and Ben as the interim library director. Only issue, Sam isn't a book person, being dyslexia and neurodivergent. Can these opposites attract or not? Interesting is that the book is set in a typeface that is friendly to those with dyslexia. 

I am a reader who likes quiet, some music is fine as background. I don't do well reading in public. I see people at the Y reading as they workout. That is not me!

And a cat in the lap!

Happy Reading.


  1. Dad's like you. He can only read when it's completely quiet. That's why he pretty much only reads in the early morning hours. As much as he loves music, it would be way too distracting while reading.

  2. Funny when you realize that you've already read a book.

  3. wednezday wavez two ewe dood! hope ewe N mum haza grate week
    a head N her getz ta N joy de race ‼️πŸ’™ round heer itz gotta bee quiet
    for reedin, N if we wanna heer toonz, then we dont reed πŸ˜ΊπŸŸπŸ’™‼️

  4. Staying away from the political masses is what I would do, too.

    A book with two possible endings, I wonder if the author is trying to satisfy everyone and if it ends up satisfying no one.

  5. I want complete silence. Can't read in the same room as television, but I can read in doctor's waiting rooms and in cafes - so I don't NEED complete silence, just prefer it.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. I listen to classical music at low volume. Total silence is a bit odd.


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